Caffeine Management Tips
Spiking caffeine intake can lead to a significant energy boost, but it often results in a crash the following day. To combat feelings of lethargy, it's essential to get outside, soak up some sunshine, and maintain a consistent caffeine level without obsessing over precise measurements. Understanding the balance of caffeine's benefits and potential withdrawal effects can help you enjoy its perks while minimizing downsides.In this clip
From this podcast
Huberman Lab
AMA #8: Balancing Caffeine, Decision Fatigue & Social Isolation
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How late in the day is too late to consume caffeine according to the Huberman Lab Podcast episode "Maximizing Productivity, Physical & Mental Health with Daily Tools | Huberman Lab Podcast #28" and the clip "Caffeine Timing Secrets"?
What is the time frame when Andrew Huberman suggests delaying caffeine intake for 90 to 120 minutes after waking in the episode Using Caffeine to Optimize Mental & Physical Performance | Huberman Lab Podcast 101 and the clip Caffeine and Sleep?