Tobacco's Hidden Dangers
Tobacco consumption, whether through smoking, vaping, or dipping, significantly increases the risk of serious health issues, including cancer, stroke, and cognitive decline. Despite the short-term cognitive boosts from nicotine, the long-term effects on brain function and overall health are detrimental. With over a billion people relying on tobacco for nicotine, the consequences are staggering, leading to a decline in life quality and longevity.In this clip
From this podcast
Huberman Lab
Nicotine’s Effects on the Brain & Body & How to Quit Smoking or Vaping | Huberman Lab Podcast #90
Related Questions
Can you expand on Andrew Huberman's statement about smoking and vaping cannabis impairing lung function and negatively affecting endothelial cells? What are endothelial cells, and what are the other health issues associated with these methods?
Can you expand on Andrew Huberman's statement about smoking and vaping cannabis impairing lung function and negatively affecting endothelial cells in the episode The Effects of Cannabis (Marijuana) on the Brain & Body | Huberman Lab Podcast #92 and the clip Health Risks of Cannabis? What are endothelial cells, and what are the other health issues associated with these methods?
What effects on health does cannabis smoking have?