Rewiring Bad Habits
Discover how to disrupt the cycle of bad habits by introducing new positive behaviors immediately after engaging in the undesired action. By creating an "open loop" in your neural pathways, you can effectively weaken the connection between negative impulses and their outcomes. This approach emphasizes the importance of easy-to-execute positive actions to facilitate lasting change without the need for constant self-awareness or punishment.In this clip
From this podcast
Huberman Lab
The Science of Making & Breaking Habits | Huberman Lab Podcast #53
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How can Andrew Huberman help us stop bad habits and replace them with good ones?
Is Andrew Huberman's idea of breaking a habit by immediately following it with a more positive one similar to focusing on the task brackets associated with the habit?
How do you use task bracketing to influence neural circuits in your basal ganglia to develop good habits and end bad ones?