Breathing for Calm
The physiological sigh is a powerful tool for managing stress, but it’s important to recognize that heart rates shouldn’t drop too quickly. A rapid decrease can lead to fainting, highlighting the need for a gradual calming process. Utilizing this breathing technique not only helps lower stress but also enhances mental clarity, allowing for a balanced state of alertness and calmness.In this clip
From this podcast
Huberman Lab
Tools for Managing Stress & Anxiety | Huberman Lab Podcast #10
Related Questions
Is this correct: The physiological sigh is a natural breathing pattern that occurs in humans and animals to regulate stress and enhance calmness. It involves taking a deep inhale, followed by a brief second inhale (through the nose), and then a long exhale (preferably through the mouth). This double inhale inflates the alveoli, tiny sacs in the lungs, ensuring they remain open (they deflate when we are stressed) and can rebalance the ratio of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the body?
How do physiological sighs work to reduce stress as discussed in the episode: episode\[Tools for Managing Stress & Anxiety | Huberman Lab Podcast #10]{sid=doc\_1974} and the clip: clip\[Mastering Breath Control]{sid=chunk\_51094}?
How do you use a physiological sigh during stress?