Light and Mood
Maximizing light exposure during the day, especially blue light, is crucial for mood and cognitive function. Avoiding bright light at night, particularly between 11 p.m. and 4 a.m., can prevent the suppression of dopamine, which is vital for feelings of happiness and learning. Managing light exposure effectively can significantly enhance mental health, focus, and overall well-being.In this clip
From this podcast
Huberman Lab
Master Your Sleep & Be More Alert When Awake | Huberman Lab Podcast #2
Related Questions
Can you provide more information about the study that showed viewing sunlight around the time of sunset, within an hour or so, prevents some of the negative effects of light on melatonin release later that same night, as mentioned in the episode Sleep Toolkit: Tools for Optimizing Sleep & Sleep-Wake Timing | Huberman Lab Podcast #84 and the clip Optimize Your Sleep?
There was a study that showed viewing sunlight around the time of sunset, within an hour or so, prevents some of the negative effects of light on melatonin release later that same night. Can you provide more information about this study?