Breathing and Stress
Discover how cyclic hyperventilation can help manage stress by allowing you to control adrenaline release and maintain calmness during heightened arousal. Explore the physiological responses triggered by carbon dioxide levels and learn techniques to extend breath holds while staying mentally focused. This practice can serve as a form of self-induced stress inoculation, preparing you to face life's inevitable challenges with resilience.In this clip
From this podcast
Huberman Lab
How to Breathe Correctly for Optimal Health, Mood, Learning & Performance | Huberman Lab Podcast
Related Questions
What is the science behind the breathing techniques involving cyclic hyperventilation with retention, such as performing 25-30 inhales and exhales, as discussed in the episode Using Your Nervous System to Enhance Your Immune System | Huberman Lab Podcast #44 and the clip Breathwork Techniques?
Does Andrew Huberman suggest doing cyclic hyperventilation to prevent sickness?
What about cyclic hyperventilation and the Wim Hof method?