Relaxation Techniques
Practicing relaxation techniques like yoga nidra can significantly enhance the ability to fall asleep and return to sleep after waking. Gina highlights the vicious cycle of insomnia, where anxiety about sleep can exacerbate the problem. Both yoga nidra and transcendental meditation promote a relaxed state, allowing the brain to enter beneficial neurochemical states, even if the exact mechanisms remain less understood.In this clip
From this podcast
Huberman Lab
Dr. Gina Poe: Use Sleep to Enhance Learning, Memory & Emotional State | Huberman Lab Podcast
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What study supports Andrew Huberman's claim that bright light viewed for 15 seconds or more between 10:00 p.m. and 4:00 a.m. can significantly suppress melatonin levels?
Can you provide more information about the study that showed viewing sunlight around the time of sunset, within an hour or so, prevents some of the negative effects of light on melatonin release later that same night?