Omega-3 for Headaches
Thunderclap headaches are a rare but serious condition linked to blood vessel constriction. Increasing omega-3 fatty acids, particularly EPA, to over 1 gram daily can significantly reduce the frequency and intensity of various headaches, including migraines and tension headaches. Additionally, higher omega-3 intake may also enhance mood, highlighting the broader benefits of these essential fatty acids.In this clip
From this podcast
Huberman Lab
How to Stop Headaches Using Science-Based Approaches | Huberman Lab Podcast
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How do omega-3 fatty acids reduce headaches as discussed in the episode How to Stop Headaches Using Science-Based Approaches | Huberman Lab Podcast and the clip Omega-3 for Headaches?
How do omega-3 fatty acids reduce headaches as discussed in the How to Stop Headaches Using Science-Based Approaches | Huberman Lab Podcast and the clip Omega-3 for Headaches?
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