Fasting and Ketosis
Exploring the combination of the ketogenic diet with intermittent fasting reveals intriguing benefits, particularly for those with conditions like type two diabetes. One patient experienced significant blood sugar normalization during extended water fasting, highlighting the potential of fasting beyond mere caloric restriction. Interestingly, the fasted state can induce its own rewarding sensations, shifting the source of dopamine release away from food and toward the act of abstaining itself. However, caution is advised, as hypomania can emerge in certain individuals, especially those with psychiatric conditions.In this clip
From this podcast
Huberman Lab
Dr. Chris Palmer: Diet & Nutrition for Mental Health | Huberman Lab Podcast #99
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Why is an 8-hour feeding window optimal for fasting and time-restricted eating as discussed in the Huberman Lab Podcast episode with Dr. Satchin Panda on Circadian Insights into Exercise Timing, Melatonin Biology, and Peak Cognition, and in the clip Ideal Intermittent Fasting?
Are there more benefits to limiting oneself to an 8-hour eating window compared to a 12-hour eating window as discussed in the episode Dr. Satchin Panda: Intermittent Fasting to Improve Health, Cognition & Longevity | Huberman Lab and the clip Intermittent Fasting Insights?