Evening Light Benefits
Getting sunlight in the evening can help regulate your circadian rhythms, preventing early wake-ups and promoting a consistent sleep schedule. Morning light advances your internal clock, while evening light delays it, creating a balanced routine. Minimizing bright light exposure after 10 p.m. is crucial for a good night's sleep, enhancing overall learning and performance.In this clip
From this podcast
Huberman Lab
Optimize Your Learning & Creativity with Science-based Tools | Huberman Lab Podcast #8
Related Questions
For purposes of changing your biological sleep-wake cycle and moving your wake-up time to an earlier hour, what is Andrew Huberman's suggestion for when to view sunlight in the episode "Maximizing Productivity, Physical & Mental Health with Daily Tools | Huberman Lab Podcast #28" and the clip "Morning Light Benefits"?
For purposes of changing your biological sleep-wake cycle and moving your wake-up time to an earlier hour, what is Andrew Huberman's suggestion for when to view sunlight in the Huberman Lab Podcast episode "Maximizing Productivity, Physical & Mental Health with Daily Tools | Huberman Lab Podcast #28" and the clip "Morning Light Benefits"?
For purposes of changing your biological sleep-wake cycle and moving your wake-up time to an earlier hour, what is Andrew Huberman's suggestion for when to view sunlight in the episode Maximizing Productivity, Physical & Mental Health with Daily Tools | Huberman Lab Podcast #28 and the clip Morning Light Benefits?