Jet Lag Solutions
Staying awake after a long flight can be challenging, especially when crossing time zones. Utilizing caffeine, exercise, and exposure to sunlight can help adjust your internal clock and combat fatigue. Avoid long naps that disrupt your sleep cycle, and consider the timing of your meals to align with local schedules for better adaptation.In this clip
From this podcast
Huberman Lab
Find Your Temperature Minimum to Defeat Jetlag, Shift Work & Sleeplessness | Huberman Lab Podcast #4
Related Questions
How should a person who naturally wakes up at midday utilize sunlight exposure strategies to adjust their circadian rhythm?
Huberman recommends looking at the sun after waking up to fix our circadian rhythm. If I wake up late at 11 AM, should I still look at the sun after waking, or will that cause me to fall asleep later at night by delaying my sleep phase further?
I have a very late evening chronotype, meaning it is natural for my body to not want to fall asleep until midnight and to want to get up around 9am. However, I need to be up for work by 6:30am. What can I do to feel more refreshed after waking?