Travel Fatigue Tips
Managing travel fatigue is crucial, especially during short trips. Staying on your home schedule can help mitigate the disruption to your circadian rhythm, particularly if your travel lasts three days or less. Utilizing bright light sources, like a light pad, can assist in regulating wake-up times in unfamiliar environments.In this clip
From this podcast
Huberman Lab
Find Your Temperature Minimum to Defeat Jetlag, Shift Work & Sleeplessness | Huberman Lab Podcast #4
Related Questions
What should I do to adjust my circadian clock when traveling to Europe, as discussed in the episode Find Your Temperature Minimum to Defeat Jetlag, Shift Work & Sleeplessness | Huberman Lab Podcast #4 and the clip Travel Fatigue Tips?
What should I do to adjust my circadian clock when traveling to Europe, based on the episode Find Your Temperature Minimum to Defeat Jetlag, Shift Work & Sleeplessness | Huberman Lab Podcast #4 and the clip Travel Fatigue Tips?
What should I do to adjust my circadian clock when traveling to Europe?