Mindset Matters
The discussion highlights the stark contrast between fixed and growth mindsets, particularly in how individuals cope with failure. While those with a fixed mindset seek to defend their ego by comparing themselves to others who perform worse, those with a growth mindset focus on learning from high achievers. This openness to self-improvement is crucial, especially for young learners facing challenges.In this clip
From this podcast
Huberman Lab
Dr. David Yeager: How to Master Growth Mindset to Improve Performance
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What does Andrew Huberman say about a growth mindset?
What does Andrew Huberman say about growth mindset?
If we can't forget traumatic events but can modify our emotional response to past events, can the changes to a person's character following an event also be reversed or altered? For example, if someone who was once very positive and engaging returns from war or suffers the loss of a parent/spouse and becomes guarded and distant, how much of our "character" is malleable? Or can people truly become "stuck in their ways"? This question relates to the episode 365: Benjamin Hardy | How to Break Free from Self-Limiting Beliefs and the clip Personality and Passion.