Published Nov 22, 2021

The Science of Gratitude & How to Build a Gratitude Practice | Huberman Lab Podcast #47

Andrew Huberman delves into the science of gratitude, revealing how narratives and specific neural circuits dramatically enhance mental and physical health. He provides practical methods to craft effective gratitude habits that transform emotional states and boost motivation.
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Episode Highlights

  • Story Power

    emphasizes the transformative power of storytelling in gratitude practices. He explains that narratives can synchronize physiological responses, such as heart rate and breathing, among individuals, even when they are not physically together 1. This synchronization highlights the profound impact stories have on our neural circuits, fostering a sense of gratitude and pro-social behavior.

    Listening to a story produced very consistent gaps between the heart rates of the people who are listening.


    Huberman notes that the brain is naturally inclined towards stories, which helps organize information and activate gratitude circuits 2.


    Practice Building

    Building effective gratitude practices involves grounding them in narratives, according to . He suggests selecting a meaningful story, either personal or observed, and using bullet points as cues to evoke gratitude 3. This method leverages the brain's neuroplasticity, allowing gratitude circuits to become more easily activated over time.

    The entire practice involves reading off these bullet points as a cue to your nervous system of the sense of gratitude.


    Huberman highlights the efficiency of these practices, noting that even brief sessions can have significant positive effects on physiology, making them accessible and impactful 4.

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