• Sauna protocol?

  • Sources:

    discusses sauna protocols on the , emphasizing various health benefits and usage patterns. Here are some key points regarding sauna protocols:

    1. Frequency and Duration:

      • For growth hormone increase, sauna less frequently, like once a week, but with multiple sessions on that day (e.g., four sessions of 30 minutes each) [1].
      • For cardiovascular and longevity benefits, more frequent use (3-7 times per week) is ideal [1 2].
    2. Temperature and Timing:

      • The typical temperature range for beneficial sauna sessions is between 80 to 100 degrees Celsius (176-212 degrees Fahrenheit) [1].
      • Sessions of 5-20 minutes at these temperatures are common, depending on individual heat tolerance [2].
      • Ideally, sauna use should be scheduled after workouts or later in the day to optimize sleep due to the cooling effect post-sauna [1].
    3. Health Benefits:

    In summary, sauna protocols can be tailored based on desired health outcomes, such as hormonal benefits, cardiovascular health, or general wellness. Regular use, proper timing, and incorporating cooling periods are essential for maximizing benefits.