How to sleep better


To improve your sleep, consider incorporating several practices into your routine. Here are a few key tips from the Huberman Lab:

  1. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) for Sleep: Engage in better sleep hygiene through CBT. This includes a regular bedtime and wake-up time, avoiding screens a few hours before bed due to their blue light content, and a routine that encourages relaxation before sleep 1.

  2. Temperature Control: Cool your sleeping environment to assist the natural decrease in body temperature necessary for sleep. Use a warm bath as part of a nighttime routine, and ensure the sleeping area remains cool throughout the night 2.

  3. Yoga Nidra and Meditation: Employ methods like yoga nidra, a form of guided meditation, to enter a state of deep relaxation or incorporate more standard meditation practices to reduce sympathetic nervous system activity before bed 3.

    Better Sleep

    Andrew and Craig discuss the importance of cognitive behavioral therapy for better sleep hygiene, avoiding screens before bedtime, and regulating body temperature through warm baths and cooler environments.
    Huberman Lab
    Dr. Craig Heller: Using Temperature for Performance, Brain & Body Health | Huberman Lab Podcast #40
  4. Wind Down Routine: Establish a pre-sleep routine that includes relaxing activities. It's beneficial to slow down before bedtime, much like landing a plane smoothly requires a gradual descent 4.

  5. Sleep Environment: Keep your pets out of the bedroom and wash your sheets at least once a week to minimize airborne allergens that could disrupt sleep. Consider a full environmental scan of your bedroom to identify and mitigate factors that may affect sleep quality 5.

  6. Non-Sleep Deep Rest (NSDR): During the day, practice NSDR or yoga nidra to enhance your skill to relax. This practice can also assist with falling back asleep if you wake up in the middle of the night 6.

Remember, these suggestions are meant to enhance sleep quality and are not a replacement for medical advice. If sleep difficulties persist, consulting a healthcare provider is recommended.