What is the recommended protein intake?


To address the recommended protein intake, the provides various insights across different episodes and contexts:

  • A general recommendation for protein intake is about 1 gram of protein per pound of body weight. This has been echoed by several experts, including Dr. Layne Norton, who mentioned that getting at least two to three meals with high-quality protein per day is crucial for the vast majority of benefits from protein, especially if following intermittent fasting practices 1.

  • Dr. Andy Galpin also recommended about 1 gram of protein per pound of body weight, particularly during recovery, to help with recovery and muscle growth 2. He also discussed nutrient ratios for different types of workouts, recommending a 1:1 protein to carbohydrate ratio for strength work, and higher carbohydrate ratios for conditioning or hypertrophy-focused training 3.

    Protein and Fasting

    Layne Norton discusses the effects of fasting on lean body mass and protein synthesis. Mild forms of time-restricted eating appear to be fine for lean body mass, but extreme forms like alternate day fasting may have negative effects. Getting enough high-quality protein and engaging in hard resistance training are the biggest levers for maintaining lean body mass.

    Huberman Lab

    Dr Layne Norton: The Science of Eating for Health, Fat Loss & Lean Muscle | Huberman Lab Podcast #97
  • further discussed the importance of early day feeding for muscle protein synthesis, suggesting that ingesting quality protein early in the day can enhance muscle tissue volume 4. Quality proteins should include essential amino acids, especially leucine.

  • Dr. Galpin highlighted the interaction of adequate protein intake with other dietary factors, explaining that as long as you reach a certain total protein threshold, the other variables such as timing, type, and quality of protein become less critical 5.

  • For those concerned with fat loss or muscle growth, a calorie surplus or maintenance may be needed to support muscle synthesis. Incorporating 700 to 3000 milligrams of the essential amino acid leucine at each meal is important for muscle growth and repair 6.

Please consult with a healthcare provider or a nutritionist to personalize these recommendations based on your individual health status, goals, and dietary preferences.