has Dr. Huberman ever mentioned CDP-Choline
I’m wondering if There was a possibility that CDP Choline could be a treatment for addiction, ADHD and if there’s been any findings regarding other potential treatments with this concoction other than just being a very effective nootropic if you’ve had the time to research this or seen any relevance to study it in the first place of course?. It seems to have lots efficacious clinical evidence with regards to improving specifically the cognition aspects of ADHD however im unaware if it helps the hyperactive element. I know there was one study with addiction that pointed to CDP Choline treating cocaine addiction with promising results. I don’t know, i’m just posting this to I guess see if there’s actually any relevance to all of the studies for this. Also Professor Hubermans videos and articles have been revelations for myself and people I’ve shared it with and or have seen for themselves, wanted to personally thank him and his team of professionals who’ve helped make all of this information accessible to as many people, more than ever I think we need it today and look forward to more info.