• I have a question about this episode How to Prevent & Treat Colds & Flu and this N-acetylcysteine Benefits How many mg of N-acetylcysteine (NAC) does Andrew Huberman recommend taking per day based on the episode How to Prevent & Treat Colds & Flu and the clip N-Acetylcysteine Insights?

  • Sources:

    recommends taking N-acetylcysteine (NAC) at a dosage of 600 to 900 milligrams three times per day when using it for easing symptoms once a cold has already started. This means a total daily dosage could range from 1800 to 2700 milligrams, depending on capsule strength and individual needs 1.

    When using NAC as a preventative measure to reduce the likelihood of contracting colds or flu, Dr. Huberman mentions a study where participants took 600 milligrams twice a day, equating to a daily total of 1200 milligrams 2.