What are the benefits of Rhodiola Rosea?
Rhodiola Rosea, which Dr. touches upon as a powerful adaptogen, offers several notable benefits:
Reducing Perceived Effort and Fatigue: Rhodiola Rosea may greatly reduce perceived effort, allowing for more vigor and endurance during physical activities without suppressing cortisol levels, unlike some other adaptogens like Ashwagandha 1. Users may find that their energy and focus are sustained better throughout the day after physical activity.
Physical Performance: It can enhance physical performance, particularly regarding power output and endurance during exercises, without leading to a subsequent energy dip that is commonly experienced after intense workouts 1.
Mental Cognition: Anecdotal experiences, including those shared by Dr. Huberman, suggest that Rhodiola Rosea might positively affect cognition later in the day, providing a more even attention span after its intake 2.
Cortisol Modulation: Rhodiola Rosea acts as a cortisol modulator which doesn’t necessarily suppress or increase cortisol but instead modulates it. The exact mechanisms of how it affects the stress response are still under investigation 3.
Recovery and Focus: Supplementing with Rhodiola Rosea prior to intense workouts may increase work capacity and promote faster recovery, facilitating sustained energy and focus throughout the day 4.
Subjective Well-being: There are reports, including from Dr. Huberman, of experiencing increased subjective well-being, such as feeling less exhausted and recovering quicker from workouts when taking Rhodiola Rosea 4.
It's important to note the necessity of sourcing high-quality Rhodiola Rosea supplements and to be aware that the effects can taper off if taken all day every day, suggesting that it may be wise to restrict its use to pre-workout or as needed 1.
Remember, while anecdotal experiences and some studies suggest benefits, it is always recommended that individuals consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new supplement.