I can’t ever fall asleep


Difficulty falling asleep can be addressed with various techniques and practices. Here are some suggestions based on insights from the :

  1. Non-Sleep Deep Rest (NSDR): This includes practices such as yoga nidra that aid relaxation and could improve the ability to fall asleep 1.

  2. Hypnosis: The hypnosis scripts available on reveriehealth.com are designed to promote relaxation and improved sleep 2.

  3. Behavioral Protocols: Teach your nervous system to calm down through methods such as meditation, downregulation breathing after exercise, or NSDR protocols to help transition to sleep 3 4.

    Enhancing Sleep

    Andrew and Gina discuss the importance of relaxation techniques like Yoga Nidra in enhancing sleep quality. They explain how deliberate non-movement practices can help people enter a more parasympathetic state, leading to better sleep and restoration of neurochemistry. They also touch on the negative feedback loop of anxiety and insomnia and how relaxation techniques can help break it.

    Huberman Lab

    Dr. Gina Poe: Use Sleep to Enhance Learning, Memory & Emotional State | Huberman Lab Podcast
  4. Ashwagandha: This supplement can reduce chronic stress and cortisol, potentially improving sleep quality. It is suggested to take it later in the day or in the evening 5.

  5. Specialized Bedroom Use: Limit activities in the bedroom primarily to sleep and intimacy to create an environment conducive to rest 6.

  6. Wind Down Routine: Establish a routine before bed, such as reading or light stretching. Avoid blue light from screens to prevent sleep disruptions 7 8.

Additionally, there's a

Huberman Lab Sleep Toolkit
(https://hubermanlab.com/sleep-toolkit/), which provides more expansive guidance on establishing better sleep practices. If sleep difficulties persist, consult a healthcare provider to explore other options, including cognitive-behavioral therapy for insomnia 7. It's important to note that some of these clips reference data that's older than 12 months.