how to breath


Breathing Techniques:

  1. Rhythmic Breathing: It's essential to engage in rhythmic breathing, especially in stress-inducing situations like cold water exposure. Rhythmic breathing helps mitigate stress and can be pleasant if managed well. Deliberately controlling your breath to alternate inhales and exhales rhythmically, even if quickly, provides significant benefits 1.

  2. Nasal Breathing: Whenever possible, it’s advisable to breathe through the nose rather than the mouth. Nasal breathing improves oxygen intake, enhances facial aesthetics, and influences reaction times and memory positively compared to mouth breathing 2.

  3. Diaphragmatic Breathing: This involves breathing deeply into the belly, ensuring that the diaphragm is actively used. When inhaling, the belly should expand, and when exhaling, it should contract. Diaphragmatic breathing is crucial for efficient air exchange and helps in reducing stress 3.

    Breathing Techniques

    Andrew discusses the importance of rhythmic breathing and how it can help in stressful situations. He warns against dangerous breathing techniques and encourages listeners to control their breath to navigate stressful circumstances.

    Huberman Lab

    How to Breathe Correctly for Optimal Health, Mood, Learning & Performance | Huberman Lab Podcast
  4. Avoid Overbreathing: Most people breathe more than necessary, leading to a decrease in carbon dioxide levels, which can hamper oxygen delivery to tissues. Healthy breathing entails regulating both oxygen and carbon dioxide levels through pauses and thoughtful breath control 4.

For more details on breathing techniques and their benefits, you can refer to the in the . In this episode, elaborates on various scientific aspects of breathing and their practical applications for daily life.


Show me different breathing exercises.


Here are different breathing exercises discussed by on the :

  1. Cyclic Sighing:

    • Perform a deep inhale through the nose, followed by a quick secondary inhale to maximally inflate the lungs.
    • Then, exhale long and fully through the mouth until the lungs are empty.
    • This technique is effective for stress reduction and can quickly shift the autonomic nervous system to a state of calm 1.
  2. Breath Rehabilitation Exercises:

    • Based on carbon dioxide discard rates, you may inhale, hold, and exhale for 5-6 seconds each, or 8-10 seconds each, depending on your rate category.
    • This exercise, lasting about 2-3 minutes, significantly improves neuromechanical control over the diaphragm, increases awareness of breathing patterns, and utilizes neuroplasticity to modify the resting breathing pattern 2.
  3. Inhale-Biased Breathwork:

    • Emphasize longer and/or more vigorous inhales relative to exhales to increase alertness.
    • Conversely, to relax, extend exhales relative to inhales and make them active.
    • Maintaining a balance in the duration of inhales and exhales keeps the nervous system steady, while modifications can either calm or alert the system 3.

      Breathing Techniques

      Andrew Huberman discusses a clinical trial that examined different breathing techniques for stress reduction. The most effective technique was cyclic sighing, which involves taking two deep inhales and a long exhale. One physiological sigh can quickly reduce stress levels and shift the autonomic nervous system to a state of calm.

      Huberman Lab

      How to Breathe Correctly for Optimal Health, Mood, Learning & Performance | Huberman Lab Podcast

These exercises integrate various physiological and psychological benefits, catering to needs ranging from alertness enhancement to relaxation and stress reduction.