how to get alert
To enhance alertness, highlights several strategies grounded in neuroscience and physiology:
Visual and Body Posture: Position your screen at eye level or slightly higher to maintain alertness. This leverages the connection between eye position and brainstem neurons that control alertness. Looking down tends to decrease alertness and increase sleepiness, while looking up can help maintain a higher state of alertness 1.
Managing Stimuli: When you're very alert, your tendency is to engage in actions quickly. To focus better, especially during learning, minimize distractions by turning off the internet or removing access to your phone. This helps in controlling the go pathway and avoiding unnecessary actions 2.
Active Learning: Engage your attention actively by telling yourself the information is important. This helps voluntarily ramp up focus and alertness. Feeling strain while concentrating indicates that your nervous system is adapting, which is a positive sign of learning and neuroplasticity 3.
These methods help manage your environment and internal state to sustain alertness effectively.