Can you make me a weekly program of stretching to become more supple ? Ideally 15min every day


Based on the insights from , here's a suggested weekly stretching program designed to improve flexibility, focusing on 15-minute daily sessions:

Weekly Stretching Program for Flexibility

Daily Schedule (15 minutes per day):

  1. Monday:

    • 3 minutes of upper body stretches (e.g., shoulder, neck, and arm stretches)
    • 3 minutes of core stretches (e.g., abdominal and lower back stretches)
    • 3 minutes of lower body stretches (e.g., hamstring, quadricep, and calf stretches)
    • 3 minutes of full-body stretches or yoga poses
    • 3 minutes of focused stretching on any problem areas or extra stretching for any goal-specific movements
  2. Tuesday to Friday:

    • Repeat the same structure as Monday, varying the specific stretches or yoga poses to target all muscle groups uniformly throughout the week.
  3. Saturday:

    • Perform a light version of the week’s routine, focusing on maintaining the range of motion rather than pushing for further flexibility.
  4. Sunday:

    • Rest or perform gentle stretching focused on relaxation and recovery.

Key Points:

  • Each stretch should be held for about 30 seconds to maximize effectiveness. Total weekly stretching time should accumulate to around 75 minutes over the course of five days, allowing for substantial improvements in flexibility 1.
  • Incorporating different types of stretching, like dynamic and static holds, can enhance the overall effectiveness of the flexibility program 2.
  • This routine also allows for days suitable for rest, crucial for recovery and preventing overtraining.

Feel free to adjust the intensity and the specific stretches based on personal flexibility levels and comfort. The goal is to gradually increase the range of motion without causing any discomfort or injury.

Optimal Stretching Techniques

Andrew discusses a recent review article exploring different stretching techniques and their effects on range of motion. The article suggests that static stretching is the most effective method and recommends stretching for at least five minutes per week, performed at least five days a week.

Huberman Lab

Improve Flexibility with Research-Supported Stretching Protocols | Huberman Lab Podcast #76

Can you provide examples of specific stretches for each day?


Here are some specific stretching exercises for each day of your weekly program, focusing on different muscle groups:

Daily Stretching Routine (15 minutes)

  1. Monday: Upper Body & Core

    • Neck Side Stretch: Tilt your head towards each shoulder. Hold each side for 30 seconds.
    • Shoulder Stretch: Bring one arm across your body and use the other to press it towards your chest. Hold for 30 seconds each arm.
    • Cat-Cow Stretch: Alternate between arching your back and pressing your spine up. Each pose for about 15 seconds, multiple repetitions.
    • Seated Torso Twist: While seated, twist your body to one side, hold, and then the other. Hold each side for 30 seconds.
  2. Tuesday: Lower Body

    • Hamstring Stretch: Sit down, extend one leg out, and reach toward your foot. Hold for 30 seconds each leg.
    • Quadriceps Stretch: While standing, pull your foot towards your buttock, hold your ankle for balance. Hold for 30 seconds each leg.
    • Calf Stretch: Step one foot back, press the back heel towards the ground. Hold for 30 seconds each leg.
    • Static Lunges: Hold a lunge position for 30 seconds per leg.
  3. Wednesday: Full Body

    • Child’s Pose: Sit back on your heels and stretch your arms forward on the ground. Hold for one minute.
    • Cobra Pose: Lie face down and arch your back by pressing your hands on the ground. Hold for 30 seconds.
    • Side Lunges: Do a deep lunge to the side to stretch the inner thighs. Hold 30 seconds per side.
    • Forward Bend: Stand, hinge at the waist, and reach for your toes. Hold for 30 seconds.
  4. Thursday: Focus on Flexibility Trouble Areas

    • Identical to Monday, with an emphasis on areas that felt particularly tight during previous sessions.
  5. Friday: Dynamic and Static Mix

    • Gentle Neck Rolls: Rotate your neck slowly in each direction. Do not hold.
    • Arm Circles: Make large circles with your arms to loosen the shoulders. 30 seconds in each direction.
    • Walking Lunges: Perform lunges moving forward to include dynamic movement.
    • Downward Dog: From a standing position, bend forward and walk your hands until your body forms an upside “V”. Hold for 30 seconds.
  6. Saturday: Light Stretch & Yoga

    • Multiple yoga poses like Warrior, Tree, and Triangle pose, holding each lightly for about 30 seconds.
    • Gentle stretching without pushing the limits.
  7. Sunday: Rest Day

    • Optional: Gentle stretching focusing on relaxation like deep breathing with a light stretch or doing some meditative yoga poses without strain.

This routine incorporates static holds to improve flexibility and includes dynamic stretching to keep the muscles engaged. Always adjust the intensity to your comfort level to prevent injury and consult with a professional if you're unsure about any exercise. These suggestions are based on general knowledge from the and should be tailored to your specific needs 1 2 3.

Stretching Techniques

Andrew discusses the benefits of static stretching and how it can improve range of motion. He also mentions the importance of short-term neural improvements and stretch tolerance. Additionally, he considers taking up yoga after reading an article on the subject.

Huberman Lab

Improve Flexibility with Research-Supported Stretching Protocols | Huberman Lab Podcast #76

That is not coherent with the program you gave me


I have gathered evidence-based stretching protocols that you can apply for the entire week. These recommendations stem from the insights provided by on the , discussing various types of stretching and their effects on range of motion.

Weekly Stretching Routine:

You should focus on static stretching, where you hold a stretch without movement, which is suggested as the most beneficial way to improve limb range of motion.

Daily Stretching Plan – Five Days a Week:

  • Monday to Friday:
    • Stretch Duration: Aim for static holds of at least 30 seconds per stretch.
    • Total Weekly Duration: Ensure you accumulate at least five minutes of stretching per week, spread across these days. This can be split into shorter segments each day, ideally combining up to 30 seconds per stretch for multiple muscle groups.

Suggested Stretches:

  • Hamstrings, Quadriceps, Calves, and Hip Flexors: Essential for lower body flexibility.
  • Shoulders and Neck: To alleviate tension and improve upper body mobility.
  • Back (Upper and Lower): To enhance spinal flexibility and reduce the risk of back pain.

Optional Considerations:

Add a yoga session once a week to combine dynamic and static stretching forms, thereby enhancing flexibility and muscle balance. Yoga also helps with mental focus and stress relief.

By adhering to this structured weekly plan and focusing on static stretches, you should notice significant improvements in flexibility and range of motion, contributing to better overall physical health and reduced pain associated with tight muscles 1 2.

Stretching Techniques

Andrew discusses the benefits of static stretching and how it can improve range of motion. He also mentions the importance of short-term neural improvements and stretch tolerance. Additionally, he considers taking up yoga after reading an article on the subject.

Huberman Lab

Improve Flexibility with Research-Supported Stretching Protocols | Huberman Lab Podcast #76

What are additional stretching tips?


Here are some additional stretching tips based on the insights from :

  1. Variations of Exercises: Incorporate different variations of exercises such as the curl up to target specific muscle groups effectively. Different positioning of limbs or body parts can intensify or modify the stretch to match your fitness level or goals 1.

  2. Frequency and Duration: While daily commitment is beneficial, achieving substantial results with less frequent, longer sessions is also effective. You may experiment with doing fewer sessions per week with longer stretches (e.g., 60 seconds instead of 30) every other day. Consistent stretching, regardless of frequency, contributes toward improved flexibility 2.

  3. Benefits Over Time: A regular stretching routine not only immediately increases flexibility but also contributes significantly to long-term joint and muscle health. Regular stretching can help mitigate the natural decline in flexibility that occurs with aging 3.

    Strengthening Back

    Andrew shares variations of the curl up exercise to strengthen the back muscles, emphasizing its benefits in relieving back pain. He highlights common mistakes and proper form to maximize the effectiveness of the exercise.

    Huberman Lab

    Protocols to Strengthen & Pain Proof Your Back

These additional strategies can enhance your stretching routine and aid in maintaining flexibility and muscle health effectively.


What are common stretching mistakes?


One common stretching mistake discussed by is failing to take daily variations in the body into account when stretching. Many people assume that their flexibility levels are static from day to day. However, factors like stress, tension, and environmental conditions can affect your flexibility. emphasizes the importance of tuning into the body's current condition each day and adjusting the stretching goal accordingly. He suggests defining the "end range of motion" not as a fixed distance, like being able to touch your toes, but rather by the actual sensation in the relevant muscle groups. This approach, focusing on the feeling over achieving certain metrics, can prevent overstretching and potential injury 1.

Range of Motion Training

Andrew discusses the Anderson method of range of motion training, emphasizing the importance of focusing on the feel of the stretch and the muscles involved, rather than achieving a certain distance or range of motion. He also notes that there can be variation in range of motion from day-to-day based on internal and external factors, and that static stretching at a challenging but comfortable place is key for building flexibility.

Huberman Lab

Improve Flexibility with Research-Supported Stretching Protocols | Huberman Lab Podcast #76

How many time will it take to be as supple as JCVD

The Huberman Lab has not specifically addressed the duration required to achieve flexibility similar to Jean-Claude Van Damme (JCVD). However, increasing one's flexibility significantly depends on various factors including the individual's starting flexibility level, consistency in training, the types of stretching exercises performed, and genetic factors affecting muscle and tendon elasticity.

Generally, regular and consistent stretching routines are crucial. Techniques like dynamic stretches before workouts and static stretches post-exercise can improve flexibility over time. Additionally, incorporating activities like yoga or Pilates can also enhance suppleness. While there is no straightforward timeline, regularity and dedication are key factors in achieving notable improvements in flexibility.


How can I do yoga ? I have no idea of how to do it


To begin practicing yoga, here are some practical steps and insights provided by based on information from the :

  1. Start with Simple Practices: If you are new to yoga, consider starting with simple practices like NSDR (Non-Sleep Deep Rest) or Yoga Nidra, which can be done for about 10-30 minutes per day. These practices involve motionless relaxation, which can help increase mental imagery and dopamine, setting a good foundation for creativity and mindfulness 1.

  2. Understand the Benefits: Regular yoga practice can significantly increase pain tolerance and has been shown to affect brain structures linked to interoceptive awareness and pain management. So, as you begin your practice, it’s helpful to know that yoga is not just about physical exercise but also improving your mental resilience 2.

  3. Use Resources Freely Available: You can find many yoga sessions online for free. Websites like YouTube offer various beginner yoga sessions where instructors guide you through the basic poses, proper breathing techniques, and sequences systematically 1.

  4. Consistency is Key: The benefits of yoga, such as enhanced flexibility and mental calmness, accumulate over time. It's beneficial to set a consistent schedule for your yoga practice.

Starting with these steps can ease you into a yoga practice, and as you progress, you can explore more complex poses and techniques. Remember, the journey of yoga is personal and adaptable to your individual pace and preference.

Enhancing Creativity

Andrew shares how practicing NSDR or yoga nidra can increase dopamine in the nigrostriatal pathway, which can enhance divergent thinking and creativity. The practice sets a dopaminergic tone and prepares the brain for creative exploration that can occur in the hour or hours that follow.

Huberman Lab

The Science of Creativity & How to Enhance Creative Innovation | Huberman Lab Podcast 103

Make me a program to be in the best shape and health possible. I have all the time needed. I am already very fit and young.


To achieve the best shape and health with your current level of fitness and ample time, here’s a comprehensive program based on advice from :

Cardiovascular Training

  1. Zone Two Cardio: Incorporate 150-200 minutes of Zone Two cardio weekly. This includes activities where you can maintain nasal breathing or conversational pace, such as jogging, walking, or hiking. This level of cardio is crucial for cardiovascular and cerebral vascular health 1.

Strength and Hypertrophy Training

  1. 3:2 Training Split: Follow a training regimen that emphasizes strength training three days a week and endurance training two days a week. Switch the focus every 10-12 weeks to maintain balance between strength and endurance 2.
  2. Diverse Workouts: Include a variety of exercises to engage different muscle groups and incorporate resistance training for muscular and bone health. You can use free weights, machines, or body-weight exercises 3.

    Improve Fitness Tools

    Learn how to improve your fitness by incorporating Zone Two cardio into your daily activities, whether you use a fitness tracker or not. Andrew shares insights on how to monitor your cardio level and the recommended minimum weekly duration for optimal health.

    Huberman Lab

    Science-Supported Tools to Accelerate Your Fitness Goals | Huberman Lab Podcast

Recovery and Flexibility

  1. Recovery Days: Incorporate two full days off per week to aid in recovery and improve training performance. This helps maintain hormonal health and overall well-being 2.
  2. Flexibility and Mobility: Include activities like yoga or Pilates to improve flexibility and joint health. These are great for active recovery days and enhance muscular endurance 3.

Lifestyle and Nutrition

  1. Nutrition and Hydration: Focus on a well-balanced diet rich in proteins, healthy fats, and carbohydrates. Stay hydrated, especially around workouts.
  2. Sleep: Ensure you get adequate rest, as sleep is crucial for recovery and performance.

Periodic Evaluation

  1. Monitor Progress: Regularly assess your performance and health metrics such as heart rate variability, VO2 max, and body composition to adjust your program as needed 4.

This program combines cardiovascular health, strength, recovery, and flexibility, creating a balanced routine that optimizes fitness and overall health. Always remember to listen to your body and make adjustments based on how you feel and your progress.


How can I do strength with only gym rings and a pull-up bar ?


To structure an effective strength training program using just gym rings and a pull-up bar, you can follow the guidance and insights provided by and his guests. Here are some key exercises and principles to incorporate into your workout routine:

Upper Body Exercises


How can I train strength with only gym rings and a pull-up bar


To train effectively using gym rings and a pull-up bar, here are some structured approaches and exercises as suggested by the experts featured on the :

Upper Body Exercises

  1. Pull-Ups

    • Regular grip, wide grip, and chin-ups.
  2. Dips

    • These can be done using rings. They target the chest, shoulders, and triceps.
  3. Ring Rows

    • Useful for the back, biceps, and grip. You can adjust the difficulty by changing your body's angle relative to the ground.

Advantages of Cooling and Intend Driven Exercise

  • Cooling: Implement techniques like palmer cooling between sets to decrease core temperature, thereby potentially increasing the total work volume and improving strength training results.
  • Intentional Training: Emphasize quality and intent over just lifting heavy weights. For example, engaging muscles intensely even with lighter loads can significantly boost strength gains.

These methods can enhance your workout, making it more effective even with limited equipment like gym rings and a pull-up bar 1 2.

Cooling for Strength

Andrew discusses the benefits of using palmer cooling during strength training. Studies have shown that it can lead to significant increases in anaerobic output and volume, even in experienced athletes. By using this technique, individuals can extend the duration of their workout and do more work overall.

Huberman Lab

Using Deliberate Cold Exposure for Health and Performance | Huberman Lab Podcast #66

And for the legs ?


For leg strength training using gym rings and a pull-up bar, the focus primarily rests on utilizing body weight effectively. Here are some exercises and strategies tailored to these tools:

  1. Bodyweight Squats

    • Regular, wide stance, and single-leg variations to target different areas of the thigh.
  2. Lunges

    • Forward, backward, and lateral lunges, to engage the quadriceps, hamstrings, and glutes.
  3. Ring Assisted Pistol Squats

    • Using the rings for balance, perform one-legged squats to focus on strengthening each leg individually.
  4. Inverted Rows using Rings

    • While primarily an upper body exercise, positioning your body parallel to the ground engages the core and legs to stabilize your body.
  5. Jump Squats

    • Adding jumps to squats increases intensity and builds explosive leg power.

also discusses the benefits of resistance exercise for muscle hypertrophy and strength. According to Professor Andy Galpin, working within 30-80% of your one-rep maximum and performing sets to failure or near failure facilitates optimal growth and strength gains. This approach applies whether you use weights, bands, or bodyweight exercises 1.

Maximizing Resistance Exercise

Andrew discusses the latest research on resistance exercise and how to maximize muscle growth and strength. He explains the benefits of using weights in the 30% to 80% range of one-rep maximum and performing sets to failure.

Huberman Lab

Science of Muscle Growth, Increasing Strength & Muscular Recovery | Huberman Lab Podcast #22

With all I said before, can you make me a workout program ? With time of rest, day of rest, the exercise and the number of set for each ones


Here is a comprehensive week-long workout program utilizing gym rings and a pull-up bar, designed in line with recommendations from :

Workout Program

Frequency and Duration:

  • Exercise 3-4 days per week.
  • Each session lasts approximately 45-60 minutes.

Rest Days:

  • Schedule rest days flexibly but ensure there's at least one day of rest between sessions.
  • Aim for active recovery (like light walking or stretching) on rest days to promote circulation and recovery.

Exercise Routine:

Day 1 & Day 3 (Legs and Core)

  1. Bodyweight Squats
    • Sets: 3
    • Reps: 12-15
    • Rest: 90 seconds
  2. Lunges (forward and backward)
    • Sets: 3
    • Reps: 12 per leg
    • Rest: 90 seconds
  3. Ring Assisted Pistol Squats
    • Sets: 3
    • Reps: 8-10 per leg
    • Rest: 2 minutes
  4. Inverted Rows using Rings (Body fully inclined)
    • Sets: 3
    • Reps: 10-12
    • Rest: 2 minutes

Day 2 & Day 4 (Upper Body and Core)

  1. Pull-Ups
    • Sets: 3
    • Reps: 8-10
    • Rest: 2 minutes
  2. Hanging Leg Raises (using pull-up bar)
    • Sets: 3
    • Reps: 10-12
    • Rest: 90 seconds
  3. Ring Push-Ups
    • Sets: 3
    • Reps: 12-15
    • Rest: 2 minutes
  4. Ring Body Saws
    • Sets: 3
    • Reps: 10-12
    • Rest: 2 minutes

Progression and Adaptation:

  • Increase repetitions gradually as you gain strength, aiming to reach fatigue near the end of each set.
  • After 4-6 weeks, adjust the exercises, increase the resistance, or modify the rep/set structure to avoid plateaus and ensure continuous improvement.

Considerations for Chaos Management:

  • Evaluate if there are exercises you dislike and replace them with alternatives.
  • Be flexible with day assignments based on how your body feels and external commitments.

This program is structured to improve strength, endurance, and muscle hypertrophy, with adequate rest intervals tailored to your goals as detailed by in his approach to training program design 1.

Designing Your Training Program

Andy Galpin provides a step-by-step guide to designing a well-rounded and effective training program. He emphasizes the importance of selecting exercises that balance movement patterns and muscle groups, and prioritizing exercises based on the identified goal. Galpin also discusses how to select the appropriate volume and rest intervals for the desired adaptation. Finally, he advises on how to anticipate and manage potential obstacles to adherence.

Huberman Lab

Dr. Andy Galpin: Optimize Your Training Program for Fitness & Longevity | Huberman Lab Guest Series