discusses alcohol's impacts in detail on the , specifically in the episode "What Alcohol Does to Your Body, Brain & Health". Alcohol is both water- and fat-soluble, allowing it to easily penetrate cells and tissues, which explains its damaging effects on the body 1. Ethyl alcohol, while the only type safe for consumption, is still toxic and must be converted into acetaldehyde, a substance even more harmful than ethanol 1.
The podcast covers a variety of topics related to alcohol, including its effects on hormones. Alcohol increases the conversion of testosterone to estrogen, which can lead to negative outcomes like diminished sex drive and increased fat storage in both men and women, making it crucial for those seeking to optimize their hormone balance to limit alcohol consumption 2.
In terms of health impacts, zero alcohol consumption is deemed better for health than low to moderate intake, as alcohol impacts the gut microbiome and increases stress levels 2. Alcohol is a known risk factor for cancer, particularly breast cancer, due to its impact on cell regulation and the immune system's ability to combat tumor growth. Even low to moderate alcohol intake can increase cancer risk by 4 to 13% for every 10 grams consumed daily 3.
While occasional drinking may not pose major risks for most people, emphasizes understanding the broader implications of alcohol on health for informed choices 4.