divergent thinking
divergent thinking
Divergent thinking is a process that underlies idea generation, where more than one idea is correct, and the more ideas related to one element, the better your divergent thinking capabilities 1. outlines that in addition to generating multiple options, divergent thinking involves mental flexibility and taking a random walk through your thoughts and memories to explore how things could be related to each other 2.
To enhance divergent thinking, suggests practicing open monitoring meditation, which allows for the suppression of memory function and encourages nonjudgmental thinking, fostering new narratives and ideas 3. Physical movement, such as walking or pacing, is another method mentioned for enhancing divergent thinking, as it activates neural networks that facilitate new ideas by combining existing knowledge in novel ways 4. However, he emphasizes that foundational knowledge in specific domains is necessary before one's divergent thinking can be truly creative.
Divergent Thinking Explained
Mood also plays a significant role where a good mood facilitates divergent thinking, while too much dopamine can be detrimental. Elevated dopamine levels support divergent thinking but if they are too high, it leads to poor divergent thinking, as seen in manic states of bipolar disorder 5. It's important to gauge one's mood and use external stimuli accordingly to elevate it for divergent thinking without going too far 6.