How does Marijuana disrupt your sleep?


Marijuana, particularly the THC component, disrupts sleep by altering the architecture of sleep and blocking REM sleep. When THC is consumed, it can expedite the onset of non-consciousness but leads to non-natural sleep patterns and interferes with the expected sequence and depth of sleep phases, including REM sleep. This blockage of REM sleep explains why users may not remember dreams while using THC, but experience a rebound of intense dreams when they stop. Chronic use of THC can also lead to withdrawal dependency and severe rebound insomnia, affecting overall sleep quality and potentially leading to a kind of dependency 1 2.

In addition to its effects on sleep architecture, THC impairs mitochondrial function in the brain, which can lead to premature brain tissue aging and cognitive impairments like memory issues and lack of motivation. These changes to brain health have lasting implications for mental and metabolic wellbeing 3. It's important to approach the use of substances like THC with an understanding of these potential long-term effects on sleep and overall health.

Marijuana and Sleep

Matt explains that THC in marijuana can speed up the onset of non-consciousness, but it disrupts the architecture of sleep and blocks REM sleep. People using THC may not remember their dreams, but when they stop using it, they experience a rebound mechanism, leading to intense dreams.

Huberman Lab

Dr. Matthew Walker: The Science & Practice of Perfecting Your Sleep | Huberman Lab Podcast #31