What other benefits does the physiological sigh have?
The physiological sigh offers a range of benefits beyond immediate stress relief. Here are some notable advantages:
Stress Reduction: Performing cyclic sighing for just five minutes a day can lead to significant reductions in stress levels not only during the practice but throughout the day. It also correlates with improved mood and better sleep quality, in addition to a lower resting heart rate 1.
Heart Rate Control: The pattern of the physiological sigh, which includes longer exhales than inhales, contributes to a net decrease in heart rate, activating the parasympathetic nervous system for calming effects. This technique can be used to manage heart rate in various situations, such as calming yourself before a stressful event 2.
Physical Exercise Aid: The physiological sigh can alleviate side stitches experienced during running or other forms of exercise. This is achieved by adjusting the firing of the phrenic nerve, which can relieve referred pain often mistaken as a cramp 3.
Cognitive Function: The technique helps maintain optimal lung function by balancing oxygen and carbon dioxide levels. It's a critical physiological response that can occur spontaneously during times of under-breathing, such as when using devices, ensuring cognitive functions are supported by adequate oxygenation 4.
Mood and Mental Health Enhancement: Regular use of physiological sighs can strengthen confidence in dealing with stressors effectively, enhancing overall mood and mental health. This simple, yet powerful, practice exploits hardwired neural circuits in the brain to immediately regulate stress levels 5.
The physiological sigh is a versatile tool, accessible to anyone, for both immediate and long-term stress management and well-being improvements.