

Magnesium has been extensively discussed by on the , particularly its benefits for sleep. Here are some key insights:

  1. Forms and Effects:

    • Magnesium Threonate (or Three and Eight): This form is highly bioavailable, crossing the blood-brain barrier effectively. It's known to aid sleep by engaging the GABA pathway, which helps turn off certain areas of the brain to facilitate falling asleep and increasing sleep depth 1 2 3.

      Magnesium and Sleep

      Andrew and Matt discuss the benefits of magnesium supplementation for sleep and the need for more studies to isolate the effects of specific forms of magnesium, such as magnesium bi glycinate and magnesium three and eight, which may have a higher capacity to cross the blood brain barrier and have a central nervous system effect. While magnesium deficiency can lead to sleep problems, the data on magnesium supplementation for healthy sleepers is not compelling.
      Huberman Lab
      Dr. Matthew Walker: The Science & Practice of Perfecting Your Sleep | Huberman Lab Podcast #31
    • Magnesium Bisglycinate: Also effective for sleep, it tends to work synergistically with other supplements like Apigenin and Theanine 4.
  2. Dosage:

    • Typical dosages for these forms range from 200-400 mg, taken about 30-60 minutes before bedtime. It helps with quicker sleep onset and deeper sleep 3 5.
    • However, some individuals might experience gastrointestinal discomfort, particularly with other forms like Magnesium Citrate, which is more known for its laxative effects 6 7.
  3. Scientific Support and Caution:

    • While studies show benefits for sleep, particularly for individuals deficient in magnesium, the data supporting magnesium supplementation benefits for healthy sleepers with normal magnesium levels is less compelling. More refined studies, especially focusing on specific forms like Threonate and Bisglycinate, are needed to solidify these claims 1.
    • Safety margins for magnesium supplements are generally broad, but users should approach it with caution, particularly due to its involvement in heart rhythms and other bodily functions 3.
  4. Combination with Other Supplements:

    • Combining magnesium with Apigenin (a compound found in chamomile) and Theanine can enhance the effectiveness of these sleep aids, promoting relaxation and reducing anxiety. This combination helps with transitioning to sleep and improving sleep quality without the side effects often associated with prescription sleep medications 4 6.

In summary, magnesium (especially Threonate and Bisglycinate) can be a valuable tool for promoting sleep, provided it's taken in appropriate dosages and evaluated based on individual tolerance and medical advice.