• 一天应该吃多少剂量的镁

  • Sources:

    The recommended daily intake of magnesium can vary based on individual needs, but some general guidance has been shared by experts from the . mentions that while many people might be getting enough magnesium from their diet, others may choose to supplement it to support various bodily functions. He suggests that a dosage of around 145 milligrams of magnesium threonate might be beneficial for inducing sleep 1 2.

    , also featured in the podcast, personally takes about 130-135 milligrams of magnesium citrate to avoid gastrointestinal distress, which can occur at higher dosages 3.

    It's important to note that the right dosage can be individual, and factors such as specific health needs, diet, and the form of magnesium can play a role. Therefore, it is advisable to consult with a healthcare provider to tailor the dosage to your personal requirements and ensure it's safe and effective for you.