Hello Dr. Huberman, I highly value your content and opinion! May I ask you for advice? I would love to consider macros for each meal I cook for my boyfriend. He is a very strong man who loves to exercise. Can you suggest any best way I can learn how macros work, how I need to count them while cooking for him and the health science behind them? I would really appreciate as I want to take care of my boyfriend’s health and diet. Besides that, thank you very much for everything you do and share with the world!!

I'm glad to hear you're looking to support your boyfriend's dietary needs—understanding macronutrients is indeed a crucial part of optimizing health and performance. Unfortunately, I don't have any specific advice or insights from regarding how to learn about macronutrients, how to count them when cooking, or the health science behind them to provide you with at the moment.

However, would likely emphasize the importance of individual needs when considering macronutrients, as exercise regimens, goals, and personal physiology can vastly influence dietary requirements. It would be beneficial for you to explore these topics through reputable nutrition resources, potentially those certified by dieticians or exercise physiologists.

For a personalized approach to your boyfriend's nutrition, you might want to consult with a registered dietitian or a nutritionist who can help you understand the intricacies of macronutrient balance and meal planning according to his specific exercise routine and strength goals.


How can I find a dietitian for personalized advice?


To find a dietitian for personalized advice, you can start by reaching out to local healthcare providers or medical facilities for referrals. Additionally, many dietitians and nutritionists offer their services online, so you can also search for professionals who provide virtual consultations. Here are a few reputable professionals, some of whom have appeared on the Huberman Lab podcast or are recognized in the field of health and nutrition:

  1. Dr. Kyle Gillett - A dual board-certified physician in family medicine and obesity medicine, recognized for his expertise in optimizing hormone levels.
  2. Dr. Sara Gottfried - A Harvard-trained, board-certified gynecologist who specializes in hormone health, vitality, and longevity.
  3. Dr. Chris Palmer - A board-certified psychiatrist who has used the ketogenic diet in treating a range of mental illnesses.
  4. Dr. Rhonda Patrick - A researcher who investigates the roles of micronutrients, genetics, stress, and sleep in health, disease, and aging.
  5. Dr. Martin Gibala - A muscle physiologist known for research on high-intensity interval training and its health benefits.

You can contact them through their professional platforms or search for a registered dietitian through organizations such as the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, which provides a "Find an Expert" tool on their website. It's important to choose a registered dietitian with the appropriate credentials to ensure that you're receiving evidence-based guidance aligned with your boyfriend's health and fitness goals.


How can I learn about macronutrients?

I was unable to find any specific content from the Huberman Lab discussing how to learn about macronutrients directly. Nonetheless, there are numerous online resources, including nutrition courses, books, and articles from credible organizations such as the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics or scientific institutions that can help you learn more about macronutrients.

To acquire a fundamental understanding:

  • Research Basic Nutrition: Start with reputable sources like university websites or government health departments.
  • Use Technology: Download nutrition tracking apps like MyFitnessPal, which can help you learn about the macronutrient composition of different foods.
  • Online Courses or Workshops: Look for online courses from accredited nutritionists or institutions.
  • Books and Articles: Read through nutrition books and scientific articles authored by experts in the field.

Remember, it's always a good idea to verify the credentials of the source of your nutrition information and, if possible, consult with a professional dietitian or nutritionist for personalized advice.