How to plan your workout
When planning your workout, it's important to consider both your goals and your practical circumstances. For hypertrophy, a suggested structure by and involves:
- Starting with an exercise focusing on a lower repetition range for strength (e.g., 3-5 reps).
- Following with an exercise with moderate repetitions (8-15 reps), shortening the rest periods to about 90 seconds.
- Concluding with an exercise with high repetitions (12-30 reps) with very short rest intervals of about 30 seconds.
This setup aims to target all three major forms of adaptation: mechanical loads, muscle damage, and metabolic stress. The structure can be flexible based on time constraints and can vary between workouts; the key is to ensure total stimuli for hypertrophy are achieved 1.
When selecting exercises, balance them across the entire week, not necessarily each workout. Ensure a reasonable balance among movement patterns or muscle groups, accounting for your access to equipment and personal preferences. For muscle group improvements, include exercises that specifically target those muscles 2.
Remember, the guidance from the should be adapted to your individual needs, preferences, and limitations. Always consider professional guidance when creating a workout plan tailored to your objectives.
RELATED QUESTIONSWhat’s the best time to get up
According to , the best time to wake up doesn't have a one-size-fits-all answer; it can vary depending on one's habits and natural rhythms. Here are a few points he's made concerning wake-up times:
- For certain goals like shifting your sleep-wake cycle earlier, exercising in the early part of the day, before 2:00 PM and ideally before noon, can be helpful 1.
- Consistent wake-up times are key. It's recommended to wake up at a consistent time each day, plus or minus an hour at most 2.
- View bright light, ideally from sunlight, within the first 30 to 60 minutes after waking to trigger an early cortisol increase which helps set your circadian rhythm for alertness early in the day 3.
- It might be beneficial for most people to align their sleep-wake cycles close to sunrise and sunset. A study mentioned by has shown that participants, when exposed to the natural light-dark cycle without artificial lights, tended to naturally align their sleep schedules with sunset for sleep onset and sunrise for wake-up 4.
To optimize your own sleep and wake times, consider establishing a consistent routine, getting morning sunlight, and adjusting your activity schedule in such a way that supports your desired wake-up time.