I have a question about this episode Dr. Rena Malik: Improving Sexual & Urological Health in Males and Females | Huberman Lab Podcast and this Pornography and Masturbation What does Andrew Huberman say about masturbation and orgasm with porn in the episode Dr. Rena Malik: Improving Sexual & Urological Health in Males and Females | Huberman Lab Podcast and the clip Understanding Porn Addiction?
In the episode featuring on the , discusses the nuances of pornography and masturbation. He highlights the key differences between simply viewing pornography, masturbating to it, and ejaculating while doing so. A significant point raised is that excessive masturbation to pornography may create an obstacle in fostering healthy, real-world sexual relationships by generating a reliance on the dopamine response pornography provides, similar to other addictive behaviors1.
Dr. Malik adds that while excessive pornography use is termed "problematic pornography use," it only affects about 4% of the studied population. This term acknowledges the potential for addiction-like behaviors due to the dopamine activation from consuming pornography, which can lead users to seek increasingly novel and intense stimuli. However, it's important to consider that not everyone experiences these issues1. Dr. Huberman emphasizes defining healthy sexual behavior as consensual, age-appropriate, context-appropriate, and species-appropriate, to set a framework for healthy practices 1.