• when should I go to sleep for the best sleep?

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    For optimal sleep, it's crucial to align your sleep schedule with your natural chronotype and prioritize consistency. Here are some key takeaways from and :

    1. Chronotype Alignment: Identify whether you're a morning person, evening person, or somewhere in between. Morning types do best going to bed early and waking up early, while evening types feel better going to bed late and waking up later. Align your sleep opportunity window with your chronotype to maximize sleep quality 1 2.

    2. Regularity: Aim to go to sleep and wake up at the same time every day, at least five nights a week. This regularity helps improve sleep quality and overall health. Variations of about an hour are acceptable on weekends 3 4.

    3. Quality over Duration: Consistent and quality sleep is more important than merely aiming for a specific number of sleep hours. Factors like avoiding caffeine and alcohol and keeping a regular sleep schedule can significantly enhance sleep quality 5 6.

    4. Early Sleep: Historically, humans were aligned with the natural light cycles, going to bed at sunset and waking up at sunrise. While modern life disrupts this, trying to go to sleep earlier can be beneficial, especially for those who naturally wake up early in the morning 7.

    5. Sleep and Health: Discrepancies in sleep timing can lead to poor sleep quality, even if the quantity is the same. Going to bed too late can result in waking up without feeling rested, emphasizing the importance of both timing and regularity 8.

    Therefore, understanding your chronotype and maintaining a consistent sleep schedule are key to getting the best sleep. If you wake up feeling unrested, consider adjusting your sleep timing and regularity.

  • when should I shower for the best sleep?

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    For the best sleep, suggests utilizing temperature changes strategically through your showering routine. Here's the recommended approach:

    1. Hot Shower or Bath in the Evening: Taking a hot shower or bath approximately 1-2 hours before bedtime can facilitate better sleep. This practice initially heats up your body, but as you cool down afterward, your core body temperature drops by 1-3 degrees, which can help you fall asleep more easily 1.

    2. Avoid Cold Showers Before Bed: Cold showers increase your body temperature in the immediate aftermath, which can wake you up and make it harder to transition to sleep. Therefore, cold showers are best avoided late at night 2.

    3. Cooling Off: After your hot shower or bath, you might take a cooler shower to enhance the cooling effect. Additionally, ensuring your sleeping environment is cool helps maintain a conducive temperature for sleep 1.

    This approach leverages the natural circadian rhythms and your body's temperature regulation to enhance sleep quality.

  • How can I get ridicilous explosiv power?

  • While there aren't specific clips directly addressing "ridiculous explosive power," has discussed principles that can enhance athletic performance and explosive strength. Here are some key strategies based on his insights:

    1. Strength Training: Engage in traditional strength training exercises, focusing on compound movements like squats, deadlifts, and bench presses. These exercises build foundational strength, which is crucial for explosive power.

    2. Plyometrics: Incorporate plyometric exercises such as box jumps, sprinting, and medicine ball throws. These exercises train the muscles to generate force quickly, which is essential for explosiveness 1.

    3. Neuroplasticity: Explosive power also benefits from training the nervous system. Activities that demand rapid changes in direction, high-speed movements, and quick reactions can enhance neural adaptations, making the body more efficient at producing explosive movements 2.

    4. Nutrition and Recovery: Proper nutrition and recovery are vital. Ensure adequate protein intake to support muscle repair and growth, and prioritize sleep and rest days to allow the nervous system and muscles to recover and adapt 3.

      By combining these methods – strength training, plyometrics, neural training, and proper nutrition and recovery – you can develop significant improvements in explosive power.

    5. How can I increase my testosterone in terms of behaviour. Not supplements. So it is basically free

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      has explained that certain behaviors can help increase testosterone levels naturally:

      1. Aggressive Behaviors: Engaging in competitive or aggressive behaviors, such as participating in sports or even watching your favorite team, can raise your testosterone levels. The psychological framing of aggression plays a significant role, not just the physical activity 1.

      2. Sexual Behaviors: Sexual activity itself can lead to increases in testosterone. This isn't necessarily about the frequency but rather the act and context 1.

      3. Social Dominance and Confidence: Engaging in activities that enhance your social status or confidence can also boost testosterone. This could include public speaking, taking on leadership roles, and other confidence-building activities.

      Additionally, Robert Sapolsky notes that these behaviors' impacts on testosterone are more significant when there's a history of such behaviors. Even without the presence of high testosterone levels, the learned behaviors continue to influence the body and brain 1.

      These insights highlight that behaviors linked to competition, aggression, sexual activity, and confidence can help naturally increase your testosterone levels.

    7. Are there other behaviors to increase testosterone?

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      Apart from engaging in competitive and aggressive behaviors, mentions several other behaviors that can help increase testosterone levels:

      1. Weight Training: Engaging in weight training, specifically with heavy loads and not to failure, can significantly increase testosterone. This is due to the activation of neurons that recruit high threshold motor units in muscles 1.

      2. Sexual Activities: Sex itself can promote testosterone levels. Studies show that men who engage in sex experience a 70% increase in testosterone. Abstinence from ejaculation for a week or more can increase testosterone levels up to 400% 2.

      3. Observing Sexual Content: Even just watching sexual content, such as pornography, can cause a slight increase in testosterone, though less so than physical participation in sex 2.

      4. Light Exposure: Viewing bright light early in the day can indirectly support sleep behavior and positively impact testosterone levels due to the relationship between light exposure, dopamine, and subsequent hormone regulation 3.

      5. Parenting: It's noted that becoming a parent can decrease testosterone levels due to increased prolactin. However, this highlights how behavior can modulate hormone levels, emphasizing the importance of social context 4.

      Thus, incorporating heavy resistance exercise, engaging in healthy sexual behaviors, optimizing light exposure, and understanding these behaviors' role can help increase testosterone levels naturally.

    9. At just 15 years of age. How can I get my testosterone to around 1000ng/dl

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      At 15 years old, optimizing testosterone naturally is crucial. and other experts emphasize several methods to support healthy testosterone levels without resorting to hormone therapies, which are typically not recommended for teenagers.

      Natural Methods to Boost Testosterone:

      1. Regular Exercise: Engage in weight training with heavy loads and adequate rest between sets. This stimulates testosterone release by activating high threshold motor units in muscles 1.

      2. Nutrition: Maintaining a balanced diet rich in healthy fats, proteins, and essential vitamins like Vitamin D and Zinc can support testosterone production. Avoid processed foods and high sugar intake which can negatively impact hormone levels.

      3. Sleep: Ensuring consistent, quality sleep (about 8-9 hours per night) is critical as most testosterone release occurs during sleep cycles 2.

      4. Stress Management: Elevated stress levels can increase cortisol, a hormone that inversely impacts testosterone. Practices like mindfulness, meditation, and deep breathing exercises can help manage stress 3.

      5. Light Exposure: Getting bright sunlight exposure, particularly in the morning, helps regulate circadian rhythms which can positively affect testosterone levels 4.

      6. Healthy Social Interactions: Engaging in competitive activities and maintaining strong social bonds can naturally boost your testosterone due to the psychological and physiological impacts of social dynamics 5.

      Considering you're still in your developmental years, it's essential to focus on these lifestyle factors and consult with a healthcare provider before considering any hormone-related therapies or supplements.

    11. can talking to females increase my testosterone?

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      Talking to females can indeed have an impact on testosterone levels. As discusses, social interactions, including those with females, can influence testosterone levels. Engaging in these interactions can stimulate competitive and social behaviors which are known to affect testosterone production.

      While hasn't specified a direct causal relationship between simply talking to females and increased testosterone, the broader context of social dynamics and engagement in competitive activities can lead to fluctuations in these hormone levels. Competitive and confident social behaviors, in general, can contribute to maintaining or even increasing testosterone levels in men 1.

      Therefore, while talking to females as part of broad, engaging, and socially competitive activities might help, it's part of a larger set of behaviors and conditions that contribute to overall hormonal health.

    13. can improving my energy with cortisol and epinephrine and light viewing in the morning help me get my testosterone levels by a significant amount? Can cold showers help me raise my testosterone levels?

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      Improving Energy and Testosterone Levels

      Cortisol, Epinephrine, and Morning Light

      explains that increasing energy and alertness through elevated cortisol and epinephrine levels can be achieved using several methods, including cold exposure and morning light viewing. Exposure to natural light in the morning can elevate cortisol levels by up to 50%, which is beneficial as it kickstarts your alertness, mood, and immune function for the day 1 2.

      Cold Showers

      Cold showers can induce significant benefits, particularly by increasing epinephrine and dopamine levels. These hormones improve focus and concentration, and due to their effects, may also support testosterone production indirectly. Cold exposure triggers vasoconstriction followed by vasodilation, enhancing blood flow, which can impact overall hormonal health, including testosterone production 1 3 4.

      Direct Effects on Testosterone

      While deliberate cold exposure, including cold showers, can boost testosterone levels, there isn't conclusive direct evidence. However, the increase in dopamine and overall hormonal balance due to cold exposure can likely influence testosterone positively. Specifically, cold exposure can enhance luteinizing hormone, which affects testosterone levels 3 5.


      • Morning Light: Elevates cortisol for better energy and overall hormonal function.
      • Cold Showers: Increase epinephrine and dopamine, potentially supporting testosterone production indirectly.
      • General Advice: Both morning light exposure and cold showers provide numerous health benefits, including improved focus, energy, and possibly enhanced testosterone levels.

      Overall, incorporating these practices can facilitate better hormonal health, including potential improvements in testosterone levels.

    15. can cold exposure to the male groin increase testosterone? How long for a significant increase?

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      Cold Exposure to the Male Groin and Testosterone Levels

      Mechanisms and Evidence

      explains that applying cold exposure to the male groin, particularly the testicles, might potentially increase testosterone levels. There are two main mechanisms by which this could occur:

      1. Vasoconstriction and Vasodilation: Exposure to cold can lead to vasoconstriction followed by rebound vasodilation when the cold is removed. This increased blood flow can contribute to healthier functioning of the testicles, potentially enhancing testosterone production 1 2.

      2. Dopamine Increases: Cold exposure generally increases dopamine levels significantly, which can trigger the release of luteinizing hormone, subsequently boosting testosterone levels 1 3.

      Time Frame for Significant Increase

      There isn't a specific time frame established for a significant increase in testosterone through cold exposure to the groin. Current information mostly comes from anecdotal evidence and theoretical mechanisms rather than well-controlled studies. mentions that more empirical studies are needed to draw definitive conclusions 1.


      • Frequency: Regular cold exposure can be beneficial, but it's essential to start gradually to avoid tissue damage.
      • Method: Using cold showers or cold water immersion may offer similar benefits without the risk of direct damage to the testicles from ice packs.
      • Safety: Avoid direct prolonged cold exposure to prevent frostbite and tissue damage.

      Overall, while there are plausible mechanisms by which cold exposure could enhance testosterone levels, specific protocols and time frames are yet to be established through scientific studies. Gradual and controlled cold exposure, such as cold showers or baths, could be a safe starting point 1 3.

    17. How does David Goggins do that he is capable of anything?

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      David Goggins' ability to achieve incredible feats stems from his cultivated mindset and relentless determination, as discussed on the .

      Key Aspects of His Mindset:

      1. Acceptance of Hardship and Failure:

        • Goggins emphasizes the importance of learning to fail properly and viewing failure as a crucial step towards eventual success. He believes that true resilience and capability come from enduring and overcoming significant challenges 1 2.
      2. Silencing Negative Inner Voices:

        • Goggins talks about battling multiple negative inner voices through years of mental conditioning. He underscores the importance of replacing these voices with a stronger, more determined inner dialogue that encourages perseverance despite adversity 3 4.
      3. Self-Motivation Without External Validation:

        • According to Goggins, self-motivation and inner drive are more powerful than relying on external validation or support. He draws on his past experiences and the challenges he has overcome to fuel his determination, without needing external pats on the back 4 5.
      4. Staying Hard and Outworking the Competition:

        • A core tenet of Goggins' philosophy is "staying hard", which involves constant self-improvement and outworking others. This relentless approach ensures that he continually pushes his limits and discovers new capabilities within himself 5 6.
      5. Embracing Inner Strength:

        • Goggins believes that everyone has an inner "medicine cabinet" filled with the strength and determination needed to overcome challenges. Tapping into this inner reservoir through self-belief and resilience is critical to achieving greatness 6 7.

      Goggins' approach is not about finding shortcuts or avoiding pain; it's about diving deep into one's potential through rigorous mental and physical discipline. This mindset allows him to achieve what most people consider impossible.

    19. How can I change my mindset to do anything and control my body fully and not to feelings and needs?

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      To change your mindset for self-discipline and gain better control over your body and emotions, consider these key strategies, discussed by and on the :

      1. Embrace a Challenge Mindset:

      • Shift Your Perspective: Transform your approach to stress and challenges by viewing them as opportunities for growth, rather than obstacles. For example, instead of reacting with "Why me?" try thinking, "This is a great opportunity for growth. I'll manage this" 1.

      2. Use Mental Scripts:

      • Self-Compassion and Distancing: Prepare and use specific mental scripts to handle stressful situations. Phrases emphasizing self-compassion and self-comforting can significantly influence your stress response positively. Recognize your body's innate reactions, but focus on how you respond next 1.

      3. Mental and Physical Coordination:

      • Mind Controls Body: While traditionally stress management involves the body influencing the mind, here the focus is on the mind controlling the body. By adopting a positive mental pivot, you can trigger beneficial physiological responses like vasodilation and enhanced resource allocation in the body, leading to better outcomes for both mind and body 1.

      Practical Steps:

      • Write Down or Say Statements: Whether you keep these affirmations in your head, write them down, or say them out loud, the act of framing stressful situations with positive, growth-centric language can help mitigate negative reactions and promote resilience.

      By consistently applying these strategies, you can enhance your self-discipline and better control your responses to various challenges, leading to improved mastery over your emotions and physical needs.