What are the best practice after having cerebral infarction?


After experiencing a cerebral infarction, one beneficial practice highlighted by is engaging in low-level cardio, provided it doesn't aggravate the injury and is in line with a physician's advice. This kind of exercise can be helpful for brain health, potentially improving the clearance of debris after an injury. recommends 30 to 45 minutes of low-level cardio—such as fast walking, jogging, or cycling—three times a week, emphasizing the importance of safety and physician guidance for those who have suffered from brain injuries 1.

Always consult with your healthcare provider for personalized advice and follow their recommendations for post-cerebral infarction care.

Low-Level Cardio

Andrew discusses the benefits of low-level cardio exercise for brain health and its potential to improve the rates of clearance of debris after injury. He emphasizes the importance of exercising safely and following physician's advice, but suggests that 30 to 45 minutes of low-level cardio three times a week could be beneficial for brain longevity and keeping the brain healthy.

Huberman Lab

Control Pain & Heal Faster with Your Brain | Huberman Lab Podcast #9

Could you give me some tips on how to curb suger/carb cravings?


To curb sugar and carb cravings, here are some effective tips from the Huberman Lab:

  1. Ingest Vinegar or Lemon Juice: Consuming vinegar or lemon juice can help reduce the sharp rise in blood glucose after eating sugary or carb-heavy meals. This can indirectly help manage cravings by stabilizing blood sugar levels 1.

  2. Follow a Slow Carb Diet: This diet involves simple rules like not drinking calories, avoiding white-colored foods (like refined starches), and eating a protein-rich breakfast. It's designed to be easy to follow and can help control cravings by stabilizing blood sugar and increasing satiety 2.

  3. Supplement with Glutamine: Glutamine can reduce sugar cravings by influencing neurotransmitter systems. It's recommended to start with a small dose to see how it affects you, as it can cause gastric discomfort if taken in large amounts suddenly 3.

    Reducing Sugar Cravings

    Andrew discusses various methods to reduce sugar cravings and the sharp rise in blood glucose that can occur from consuming sugary or carbohydrate-rich foods. He explores the effectiveness of vinegar and lemon juice, and also mentions Tim Ferris' experiments with continuous glucose monitors.

    Huberman Lab

    Controlling Sugar Cravings & Metabolism with Science-Based Tools | Huberman Lab Podcast #64
  4. Mindful Eating: Practice checking in with your feelings and hunger levels before eating. This can help distinguish between true hunger and emotional or boredom-driven eating. Also, "surf the urge" to give in to cravings by delaying gratification and riding out the craving wave 4.

  5. Continuous Glucose Monitoring: Monitoring your blood glucose levels can provide insights into how different foods affect your blood sugar, helping you make better choices to manage cravings 1.

  6. Create Safe Environments: Remove tempting sugary and high-carb snacks from your environment. This can help reduce the impulse to snack on them, particularly important in managing cravings in the long term 4.

Remember, always consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new diet or supplement regimen.