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In the episode titled "Asi Wind: What Magic & Mind Reading Reveal About the Brain," engages in a conversation with magician and mentalist to explore the intersections of magic, mind, and neuroscience. They discuss:

  • Delight in Discovery: Andrew talks about the joy and delight found in spontaneous events, such as witnessing dolphins breach or observing mastery in sports and music, which enhances our perception beyond usual experiences 1.
  • Beauty in Imperfection: Asi describes the beauty he finds in imperfections and the rich stories told by imperfect and unexpected moments captured in his photography 2.
  • Igniting Imagination, Challenging Mind: Asi examines how magic acts stimulate creativity and imagination, encouraging problem-solving and the viewer's collaboration in bending known rules 3.

    Delight in Discovery

    Andrew discusses how witnessing unexpected events, like dolphins breaching the surface or virtuosos in sports and music, can spark delight and expand our perception of the world, hinting at the hidden complexities beyond our usual awareness.

    Huberman Lab

    Asi Wind: What Magic & Mind Reading Reveal About the Brain
  • Memory Encoding Techniques: They share insights on memory encoding and the power of misdirection in perception, with Andrew revealing how details often considered irrelevant get encoded in memory, and Asi explaining the role of tension and relaxation in influencing what people remember 4.
  • Strategic Communication Tactics: The conversation also covers effective communication strategies for extracting information, such as presenting hypotheses rather than direct questions, and how half-truths can guide and manipulate perception 5.

Throughout the episode, the discussions center around the neuroscience of perception, engaging nonverbal communication, the magic mindset, and the implications of mentalist magic on understanding the human mind.


Skip to magic trick


I apologize, but it seems there has been a misunderstanding, as none of the returned clips relate to the episode "Asi Wind: What Magic & Mind Reading Reveal About the Brain" or contain content about magic tricks. Please allow me to try searching again with a more specific query to find the requested content.


What part of the video does huberman use his calculator on his phone


The retrieved data does not show a specific moment where uses his calculator on his phone. However, he does mention phone usage in various contexts, but these don't include using a calculator. If you have more details or a different inquiry, please let me know!