Alcohol consumption and longevity
Alcohol consumption can significantly affect longevity and health in various ways. According to , ethyl alcohol, the type fit for human consumption, is still toxic. It damages cells due to its water- and fat-soluble nature, leading to substantial stress and damage across the body 1.
Research shows that even low to moderate alcohol consumption, such as one to two drinks per day, can cause thinning of the neocortex, leading to brain degeneration 2. Recent studies also indicate that there is no "safe" level of alcohol consumption, debunking the J curve theory that suggested moderate drinking could be beneficial 3.
Alcohol has also been linked to an increased risk of various cancers, especially breast cancer, due to its impact on cell regulation and the immune system's ability to combat tumor growth. Consuming even low amounts regularly can significantly increase cancer risk 4.
Overall, while acknowledges that alcohol may have some stress-relieving benefits, the overarching message is that moderation or abstinence is key to minimizing the adverse effects associated with alcohol consumption on brain health, cancer risk, and longevity 5.