effect of marijuana on language


Chronic cannabis use has been associated with changes in speech patterns, including alterations in tone of voice, inflection, and a more drawn-out or lazy enunciation. discussed this on the and referred to an excellent study entitled "Adults with History of Recreational Cannabis Use Have Altered Speech Production," which found these changes in speech to be consistent among users.

The effects of cannabis, particularly THC, can affect the brain centers involved in movement and speech, such as the basal ganglia and cerebellum, leading to disruptions in motor circuitry. This not only impacts the physical aspects of speech, like the movements of the mouth, but can also lead to a change in verbal timing and a reduced vocal effort and intensity known as spectral tilt. This means that someone who uses cannabis regularly might speak in a way that has less emphasis on certain words or syllables, and a more monotone delivery overall, with reduced intensity in their voice 1 2 3 4.

Cannabis and Speech

Andrew discusses the impact of chronic cannabis use on speech patterns, including changes in tone of voice and inflection. He distinguishes between the effects of THC and CBD on speech and defines chronic use as twice a week or more.

Huberman Lab

The Effects of Cannabis (Marijuana) on the Brain & Body | Huberman Lab Podcast #92

The stereotype that cannabis users have a certain drawl, or laziness in laugh and speech, does appear to have some truth according to studies described by , but it's also noted that not all regular cannabis users experience these effects. The extent of the impact on speech may vary with patterns of use, individual differences, and potentially with different strains 2.


Summarize The Effects of Cannabis (Marijuana) on the Brain & Body | Huberman Lab Podcast #92

In the of the , delved into the complex impacts of cannabis on the brain and body. While the episode covers numerous topics, below is a summary of the key points:

  1. Brain Development: Cannabis use, especially in adolescents, can alter brain development. Users under the age of 25 may experience changes in the structure and function of the brain, particularly in areas responsible for learning, memory, and impulse control, leading to long-term implications.

  2. Mental Health: There is a correlation between heavy cannabis use and increased risk for psychiatric disorders, including schizophrenia, especially for those with a predisposition to such conditions. Notably, THC is implicated in these risks, whereas CBD may have protective or therapeutic effects in certain contexts.

  3. Cognitive Function: Chronic use of cannabis has been linked to impairments in attention, memory, and executive function. Even after extended abstinence, some cognitive deficits may persist, suggesting potential long-term effects.

  4. Motor Skills: Cannabis can also impact coordination and motor control, affecting activities that require fine motor skills.

  5. Sleep: Although often used as a sleep aid, cannabis can disrupt sleep architecture, leading to a reduction in REM sleep and potential alterations in sleep quality over the long term.

  6. Pain and Inflammation: Cannabis can have analgesic effects, lowering the perception of pain. Its anti-inflammatory properties also contribute to its potential therapeutic use.

  7. Appetite and Nutrition: THC stimulates appetite, which could be beneficial for some clinical populations, but may contribute to weight gain in regular users.

  8. The Entourage Effect: The combined effect of cannabis's various components can lead to outcomes that differ from the effect of any single component in isolation, illustrating the complexity of its action on the body.

These are some of the comprehensive treatments of the topic by , where he integrates research findings with neurobiological principles to elucidate the multifaceted nature of the impact of cannabis. It's important to qualify that the findings presented in the podcast involve nuances relating to the amounts, ratios of cannabinoids (like THC to CBD), frequency of use, and individual differences in biology and genetics, all of which modulate cannabis's effects.