How to learn faster
To learn faster, suggests several techniques based on scientific research that can be applied to the acquisition of new skills, particularly motor skills. Here are key strategies for accelerated learning:
Use Metronomes: Employing metronomes to increase the rate of repetitions can help in skill acquisition. The cadence of the metronome can accelerate plasticity and skill development beyond what would happen without it. Aim for a rate slightly faster than your current capability to force the nervous system to correct errors during the session 1.
Error Recognition: Allocate a period in each training session to focus on errors without outside cues. Repetition and making errors are essential for plasticity and neurochemical rewards that facilitate learning and retention of skills 2.
Mental Visualization: Practice mental rehearsal with strategic timing. This mental visualization is crucial for embedding the learning and enhancing the memory of the learned skill 3.
Motivation: You must be motivated enough to focus your attention and perform many repetitions during the training session. There's no substitute for repetition in the learning process 4.
Open Loop vs. Closed Loop Skills: Understand the type of skill you're learning. Open loop skills offer immediate feedback after a motor action, while closed loop skills allow for real-time adjustments and continuous practice 5.
Accelerated Plasticity: Ensure you're at an appropriate level of autonomic arousal for learning, make errors, utilize the vestibular motor sensory relationship, and establish a contingency for the importance of the learning process 6.
By implementing these strategies, you can optimize your learning sessions and potentially improve your skill acquisition speed and efficiency.