any tips to improve day-night schedule?


To improve your day-night schedule, one science-supported tip endorsed by is to view morning sunlight. This practice can enhance mood, focus, alertness, and nighttime sleep. It also has positive effects on metabolism, either directly or indirectly by improving sleep quality. Exposure to sunlight ideally should happen early in the day and again in the late afternoon or evening before sunset. This protocol is beneficial for mental and physical health, as well as overall performance. However, it's essential to be outside since sunlight viewed through windows or screens doesn't provide the same benefits and will not set your circadian rhythm effectively.

If you cannot get sunlight exposure in the morning consistently due to seasonal changes, geographical location, or work schedules, you might consider using a so-called SAD lamp for about 5 to 10 minutes during your morning routine. While not as effective as actual sunlight, these lamps can still improve mood and assist in setting your circadian rhythm 1.

Benefits of Sunlight

Discover the science-supported benefits of getting sunlight in your eyes early in the day and how it can improve mood, focus, alertness, and sleep. Learn why viewing sunlight through windows or screens won't have the same positive effects and explore alternative options for those who can't access sunlight regularly. Title: Nature's Impact Topics: Nature, Negative Ionization Summary: Dive into the fascinating scientific research on the health benefits of being near bodies of water, such as waterfalls and running streams. Explore the concept of negative ionization and its effects on circadian rhythm and overall mental and physical health.

Huberman Lab

AMA #10: Benefits of Nature & “Grounding," Hearing Loss Research & Avoiding Altitude Sickness