What are the benefits of yerba mate?


Yerba mate, a beverage high in caffeine, antioxidants, and GLP-1, is known for various health benefits as discussed by :

  1. Dopamine Receptors & Neuron Protection: Yerba mate has been shown to increase dopamine receptors and protect dopaminergic neurons, potentially offering neuroprotective effects 1.

  2. Blood Sugar Management: It has properties that are favorable for managing blood sugar levels 1.

  3. Fat Mobilization & Weight Loss: Yerba mate increases the release of GLP-1 which is involved in the mobilization of body fat stores and has been used in clinical trials to treat certain types of diabetes and obesity 2.

  4. Appetite Suppression: Consumption can act as an appetite suppressant by raising levels of GLP-1 and leptin, aiding in weight management 3.

    Caffeine and Dopamine

    Caffeine, particularly from sources like yerba mate, can enhance dopamine receptor density and efficacy. Yerba mate not only boosts dopamine levels but also offers neuroprotective benefits for dopamine neurons, potentially aiding in motivation and movement. While more research is needed, incorporating yerba mate into your routine may provide both cognitive and health advantages.
    Huberman Lab
    Controlling Your Dopamine For Motivation, Focus & Satisfaction | Huberman Lab Podcast #39
  5. Energy & Focus: Yerba mate serves as a source of energy and focus, similar to the effects of coffee 4.

  6. Thermogenesis & Metabolic Rate: It stimulates thermogenesis, leading to the conversion of white fat cells into beige and brown fat cells, thereby increasing the basal metabolic rate 5.

  7. Gut Distension & Satiety: GLP-1 can cause gut distension, leading to a sensation of fullness, and it activates neural pathways within the brain that trigger satiety 6.

  8. Electrolyte Content: Yerba mate also contains necessary electrolytes which are critical for the nervous system 3.

It's important to note, however, to avoid smoked varieties of yerba mate due to the potential carcinogenic effects 5 6.