Why do I feel generally more dehydrated than usual? In this context, I've been depriving myself of sufficient water (1-2L less than I usually need) for the past week or so. Is this imbalancing overall fluid levels?


Yes, depriving yourself of sufficient water can indeed lead to a state of dehydration and can imbalance your overall fluid levels. and discuss several important aspects related to hydration:

  1. Sources of Hydration: It's not just about drinking water; the food you consume also contributes significantly to your hydration. Foods high in water content can boost hydration, whereas highly processed and salted foods can contribute to dehydration 1.

  2. Dehydration Effects: Even mild dehydration can lead to notable decreases in both physical and mental performance. This includes reduced endurance, strength, cognitive functioning, and more 2.

  3. Hydration Management: It's important to manage hydration by consuming fluids at a steady pace throughout the day, rather than large quantities at once, which can affect the body's fluid balance differently 3.

    Hydration and Nutrition

    Andy discusses the importance of hydration and how it relates to nutrition. Eating whole, real foods can significantly increase hydration, but it's important to add salt back into the diet.

    Huberman Lab

    Dr. Andy Galpin: Optimal Nutrition & Supplementation for Fitness | Huberman Lab Guest Series

For maintaining proper hydration, it's advisable to modify your intake based on activity levels and maintain steady consumption of fluids throughout the day to prevent dehydration effects on your body and mind.


In the above context, would me depriving myself as I have been doing cause my general hydration levels to be lower than usual, and cause me to require more water consumption than usual until they're balanced?


Yes, depriving yourself of sufficient water as you have been doing can indeed cause your general hydration levels to be lower than usual. This state of dehydration can lead to a need for increased water consumption to reestablish a proper balance of fluids in your body. According to , even mild dehydration can notably decrease both physical and mental performance, including endurance, strength, and cognitive functioning. Therefore, it becomes essential to adequately rehydrate and manage fluid intake to regain optimal body function 1.

To help compensate for the reduced water intake and restore hydration, it might be necessary to consume more water than usual and adjust depending on your body's needs and activity levels 2. It’s advised to manage this rehydration gradually and continuously rather than consuming large amounts at once to avoid imbalances 2.

Dehydration and Performance

Andy explains how even a 2% reduction in body weight due to dehydration can significantly reduce accuracy and performance in both physical and mental tasks. Being dehydrated also affects blood volume and endurance, making it important to stay hydrated during exercise.

Huberman Lab

Dr. Andy Galpin: Optimal Nutrition & Supplementation for Fitness | Huberman Lab Guest Series

So in summary - not consuming enough fluids for a period of time, can cause you to generally need to consume more fluids than usual for a period of time in order to rebalance fluid levels?


Yes, exactly. When you've been under-consuming fluids, it may take a period of enhanced fluid consumption to rehydrate and bring your body's hydration levels to a healthy equilibrium. This increased need for fluids continues until your body has adequately compensated for the previous deficit. As explains, in the context of increased sweating or being in hot environments, hydration needs can substantially increase by 50% to 100%. Similarly, when feeling parched, it indicates a likely dehydration, prompting the need for more fluids 1.

Fluid Intake

Andrew Huberman explains how sweating is an adaptation that helps cool your body and how much fluid you should consume during exercise or in a hot environment. He also discusses the importance of consuming fluids when feeling parched and the need to include electrolytes in your drink.

Huberman Lab

How to Optimize Your Water Quality & Intake for Health | Huberman Lab Podcast