• What dose of NMN should I take daily?

  • Sources:

    and have discussed dosing NMN (nicotinamide mononucleotide) for increasing NAD levels. Dr. Sinclair mentions that he and his father take 1 gram (1000 mg) of NMN daily, noting that this dosage has been shown to significantly elevate NAD levels in the body. However, he emphasizes that individual responses can vary due to differences in microbiomes, age, and sex, and advises selecting high-quality NMN from reputable sources following Good Manufacturing Practices 1.

    Dr. Huberman also highlights that some people take 1.5 grams (1500 mg) of sublingual NMN, noting this can lead to increased energy and rapid hair and nail growth. He describes exploring dosages comparing NMN and other NAD precursors like NR, taking into account the cost-benefit ratio 2.

    Therefore, a starting point could be 1 gram per day, but it might be adjusted based on personal reactions and in consultation with healthcare providers.