• What are the best protein sources?

  • Sources:

    The best protein sources, according to and his guests, include both animal-based and plant-based proteins:

    Animal-Based Proteins:

    1. Eggs: High in essential amino acids which are beneficial for skeletal muscle health.
    2. Whey Protein: Contains a high ratio of leucine, crucial for muscle protein synthesis and repair.
    3. Beef, Poultry, and Fish: These provide a complete amino acid profile similar to human muscle protein, making them highly effective for muscle maintenance and growth.
    4. Organ Meats (e.g., Heart): Also high in beneficial compounds like CoQ10, which supports muscle health 1 2.

    Plant-Based Proteins:

    1. Soy Protein: Considered a complete protein with a PDCAAS (Protein Digestibility Corrected Amino Acid Score) of 1, meaning it provides all essential amino acids in sufficient quantities. Moderate consumption does not seem to affect testosterone or estrogen levels significantly.
    2. Rice and Pea Protein Blends: These can be a viable option, especially when combined, to meet essential amino acid requirements.
    3. Potato Protein Isolate: Has an amino acid profile similar to whey protein, though it is harder to find 3.

    For vegans, ensuring adequate intake of key nutrients like B12, zinc, and iron is crucial, which may require careful dietary planning or supplementation 2.