What are the most crucial supplements for health, longevity and performance?


The following are key points and insights about crucial supplements for health, longevity, and performance as discussed on the :

  1. Foundational Health Metrics: Before considering supplements or drugs for increasing longevity, it's essential to focus on foundational health practices such as quality sleep, exercise (cardiovascular and resistance training), nutrition, stress modulation, and maintaining quality social connections. These have an outsized effect on longevity metrics compared to any supplement 1.

  2. Precision Supplementation: Using a tailored approach to supplementation based on extensive biological testing can help ensure that individuals receive only what they need. This precision supplementation is key for the effective use of supplements, specifically for muscle growth, fat loss, energy, physical performance, and longevity 2.

  3. Single-Ingredient Formulations: A rational supplementation protocol should include single-ingredient formulations—especially when considering supplementation for sleep, hormone health, and other specific functions. This approach allows for more control and can be more cost-effective while being able to manage dosages more accurately 3.

    Longevity Essentials

    Quality sleep and regular exercise are crucial for enhancing longevity, far surpassing any supplement or drug. Aim for a mix of cardiovascular workouts, VO2 max training, and resistance exercises to maintain both physical and cognitive health. Additionally, prioritize nutrition, social connections, stress management, and morning sunlight to support overall well-being. Always consult a physician before making changes to your supplement or medication regimen.
    Huberman Lab
    AMA #12: Thoughts on Longevity Supplements (Resveratrol, NR, NMN, Etc.) & How to Improve Memory
  4. Balance of Vitality and Longevity: Pursuing vitality through hormones like testosterone and growth hormone can paradoxically shorten life, as these anabolic agents may accelerate aging akin to experiencing additional rounds of puberty. Thus, a balance between promoting vitality and ensuring longevity is critical 4.

  5. Cautions and Downsides: It's important to be cautious with supplementation as high concentrations of certain nutrients can be counterproductive and even destructive. For instance, growth agents can lead to undesirable and persistent body changes, emphasizing the need for a measured approach to supplement use 2 4.

In conclusion, while supplements can be beneficial, the primary focus should be on healthy lifestyle practices. A precise, personalized supplementation approach taking into account single ingredients can be implemented for additional support, bearing in mind the balance between vigor and life extension and the potential side effects of certain supplements.


Could you list some specific supplements that are often recommended for health, longevity, and performance?


Based on the knowledge shared in the , here are some specific supplements and types of supplementation that are often recommended for health, longevity, and performance:

  1. Adaptogens, Probiotics, Prebiotics, and Digestive Enzymes: For foundational nutrition and supporting mental health, physical health, and performance, including sleep 1.

  2. Vitamins and Minerals: Taking a broad spectrum supplement that includes vitamins, minerals, probiotics, digestive enzymes, and adaptogens can cover foundational health needs 2.

  3. Precise Supplementation: Vitamin and mineral supplementation can be tailored to individual needs based on biological testing. Examples of effective and cost-efficient supplements that fall within the 80/20 rule might be those that enhance muscle growth, fat loss, energy, physical performance, and longevity 3.

    Supplement Recommendations

    Andrew Huberman recommends that people focus on improving their foundational nutrition with adaptogens, probiotics, prebiotics, and digestive enzymes instead of taking specific supplements for sleep or focus. He suggests asking three questions: how well are you sleeping, how's your nutrition, and what's your budget, before making any supplement recommendations.
    Huberman Lab
    Developing a Rational Approach to Supplementation for Health & Performance | Huberman Lab Podcast
  4. General Supplements: Depending on a person's budget and individual circumstances, different recommendations can be made. Products like Athletic Greens have been suggested for those able to invest in a comprehensive supplement that includes various essential components 2.

It's important to understand that before considering any supplementation, foundational health practices such as quality sleep, exercise, nutrition, stress modulation, and maintaining quality social connections should be prioritized for enhancing longevity, as these have a significant impact on health metrics related to longevity 4.

Additionally, while certain supplements are endorsed for their potential benefits, it's crucial to consider the balance between promoting vitality and ensuring longevity. Hormones such as testosterone and growth hormone, which might make us feel more vital, could potentially shorten life if overused 5.

Consulting with a healthcare professional before beginning any supplementation regimen is highly recommended to tailor your approach to your unique health profile and needs.


What are Adaptogens?


Adaptogens are a group of substances, typically herbs and some mushrooms, that are thought to help the body and brain adapt to various stressors. They are believed to enhance the body's resilience to stress and might work by modulating stress responses such as reducing cortisol levels. An operational or universally agreed-upon definition of adaptogens is lacking, which makes the term somewhat vague and expansive in its purported applications.

Herbs like ashwagandha, for example, are considered adaptogens because they can reduce cortisol levels and may influence other hormone pathways, including testosterone, estrogen, and thyroid hormones. Ashwagandha can affect these hormones due to its potential cortisol-lowering effects, given that cortisol is in the same synthesis pathway as these hormones. Some adaptogens are also believed to benefit cognitive function by affecting neurotransmitter systems, while others might support physical performance by improving blood flow to the brain or affecting the central nervous system to reduce the perception of effort during exercise.

It's important to note that adaptogens are generally not found in significant concentrations in typical diets, making supplementation a common way to obtain them. Nonetheless, it is advised to consult healthcare professionals to determine the appropriate types and amounts of adaptogens for individual needs, as well as to verify the supporting evidence for their use 1 2 3 4.

Foundational Supplements

Andrew explains that foundational supplements have expanded to include micronutrients, vitamins, minerals, and digestive enzymes. These supplements can be found in multi-ingredient formulations and can assist in the digestion of macronutrients.
Huberman Lab
Developing a Rational Approach to Supplementation for Health & Performance | Huberman Lab Podcast