Why does alcohol keep you from sleeping?
Alcohol disrupts sleep in several ways, making it less restorative and impairing its natural architecture. Here are the key impacts:
Fragmented Sleep: One major effect of alcohol is that it fragments sleep, causing numerous awakenings throughout the night. Some of these are not remembered, but they result in the sleep being less continuous and restorative. This kind of fragmented sleep often leaves people feeling unrefreshed the next morning 1 2.
Reduced REM Sleep: Alcohol significantly blocks REM (Rapid Eye Movement) sleep, which is crucial for emotional regulation, memory consolidation, and creativity. The reduction in REM sleep caused by alcohol leaves people more emotionally sensitive and less capable of managing stress 1 2.
Sedation vs. Sleep: Alcohol acts as a sedative, leading to sedation rather than genuine sleep. While it can help people fall asleep faster by dulling the brain's activity, this sedation does not equate to entering natural sleep stages, particularly the restorative deep sleep stages 3 4.
Metabolic Byproducts: The disruptions in sleep caused by alcohol are also attributed to its metabolic byproducts. These byproducts create a kind of pseudosleep, which is a low-level hypnotic state rather than true sleep, further leading to poor sleep quality 2 5.
In summary, while alcohol can initially make you feel sleepy, its impact on sleep structure leads to less restorative and less effective sleep overall.