What are the top 5 things i can do to reduce or eliminate my sleep apnea?


To reduce or eliminate sleep apnea, recommends the following strategies:

  1. Shift to nasal breathing during sleep, as this provides additional resistance and less tendency to snore. You can learn this by using medical tape to tape the mouth shut before sleeping, which can greatly offset sleep apnea and related issues 1.

  2. Address underlying causes such as obesity or airway obstruction, which can contribute to apnea. Serious health issues including heart attacks and metabolic disturbances can arise from apnea 2.

  3. Supplement with glutamine, which has been shown to offset some cognitive deficits associated with reduced oxygenation of the brain during sleep apnea, by reducing inflammation 2.

  4. Time your exercise appropriately to improve sleep quality. Exercising about 6 hours or more away from your bedtime is ideal 3.

    Sleep Apnea Solutions

    Andrew explains how sleep apnea can lead to serious health concerns and how it can be treated with a CPAP device or by shifting to nasal breathing during sleep. He suggests taping the mouth shut with medical tape to learn to nasal breathe during sleep and offset sleep apnea, snoring, and sleep-related issues.

    Huberman Lab

    How to Breathe Correctly for Optimal Health, Mood, Learning & Performance | Huberman Lab Podcast
  5. Practice cardiovascular exercise using nasal breathing to translate to better breathing during sleep. Training yourself to do lower-intensity cardio with nasal breathing helps to dilate your sinuses, making it easier to maintain nasal breathing while you sleep 4.

It is important to note that severe cases of sleep apnea might require a Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) device, and it is recommended to consult with healthcare professionals for individual assessment and treatment options.


Can you tell me more about glutamine supplements for sleep apnea?


has discussed the potential benefits of glutamine supplementation for individuals with sleep apnea. Here are a few points he made regarding glutamine:

  • Glutamine could offset some of the cognitive deficits associated with reduced brain oxygenation due to sleep apnea by reducing inflammation 1.
  • Although some of the data supporting immune-enhancing effects of glutamine is somewhat scant, has personally taken glutamine since college with the belief that it protects against various illnesses 1.
  • Dietary sources of glutamine include protein-rich foods like beef, chicken, fish, dairy products, eggs, and vegetables such as beans, cabbage, and spinach 2.
  • Glutamine supplementation could possibly help offset sugar cravings by acting on glutamine-sensing neurons in the gut, which signal satiation to the brain 2.
  • Individuals who supplement with glutamine typically take doses ranging from 1 gram to as much as 10 grams per day 2.

It's essential to note that while glutamine may have some positive effects for those experiencing cognitive issues related to sleep apnea, it's always best to consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new supplement regimen, especially in the context of a condition like sleep apnea. Additionally, severe cases may require other interventions, such as CPAP therapy.

Glutamine and Apnea

Andrew discusses the serious health issues related to apnea, including cognitive decline and dysfunction. He explains how glutamine supplementation can offset some of the cognitive deficits caused by reduced oxygenation of the brain. Glutamine appears to have a positive impact by reducing inflammation and has immune-enhancing effects.

Huberman Lab

Nutrients For Brain Health & Performance | Huberman Lab Podcast #42

Will physiotherapy help fix a large hematoma in my back?

There is currently no available data from specifically discussing the use of physiotherapy for the treatment of a large hematoma in the back.

For medical conditions such as a hematoma, which is a collection of blood outside of blood vessels, it's generally important to consult a healthcare professional directly for personalized care and treatment recommendations. The role of physiotherapy, if any, would be based on an individual's specific situation and the advice of their medical team.