• Huberman recovery breath hold morning 45 60

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    and other experts on the discuss various breathing techniques and their benefits. The practice of using breath holds, particularly in the context of recovery and mental resilience, is highlighted through different breathing protocols.

    For example, a straightforward yet effective method is deliberately slowed breathing for three to five minutes following a workout or in the morning. This helps downshift the nervous system and promotes recovery 1. Similarly, techniques like box breathing and cyclic sighing are shown to rapidly decrease stress and enhance mood and cognitive functions 2.

    Additionally, practicing breath holds, whether with lungs full or empty, can have varying effects on the body by altering CO2 levels. These practices are linked to both physiological benefits and improved focus and mood 3.

    If you're interested in integrating these practices into your routine, starting with simple breath work like box breathing or cyclic sighing for a few minutes each morning could be beneficial.