

Creatine is a well-researched supplement with various benefits, as discussed in the . Here is a summary of its key effects:

  1. Exercise Performance, Recovery, and Lean Mass:

    • Creatine enhances exercise performance by increasing phosphocreatine content in muscle cells, which is essential for improved strength and power output. It aids in recovery and increases lean mass by drawing water into muscle cells 1.
    • It is a fuel source for both high-intensity physical activity and for neurons in the brain, potentially providing cognitive enhancements 2.
  2. Cognitive Benefits:

    • Creatine supplementation has cognitive benefits, such as potentially improving mood disorders and depression. Increased activity of the phosphocreatine system in the forebrain is associated with mood regulation and motivation 3.

      Creatine Benefits

      Layne discusses the benefits of creatine, including its ability to improve exercise performance, increase lean mass, and aid in recovery. While it may also lead to a decrease in body fat percentage, it is not a fat burner. Additionally, recent studies have shown cognitive benefits to taking creatine. The only potential downside is a possible link to hair loss, but Layne is not convinced.

      Huberman Lab

      Dr Layne Norton: The Science of Eating for Health, Fat Loss & Lean Muscle | Huberman Lab Podcast #97
    • It might reduce fatigue, support brain health, and enhance certain cognitive functions, including memory and executive function 4.
  3. Dosage:

    • Recommended dosages vary based on body weight. For example, someone 180 pounds might need around 5 grams per day, while heavier individuals could require 10-15 grams. Lighter people might only need 1-3 grams 2.
    • The most commonly recommended form is creatine monohydrate, and it is advised to consult with a healthcare provider before beginning supplementation, especially in the case of health issues like kidney disease 3.
  4. Potential Side Effects:

    • There has been some concern over creatine's potential link to hair loss due to its effect on dihydrotestosterone (DHT) levels, but this is not widely substantiated. Other concerns, such as impacts on kidney or liver health, have largely been debunked 1.
    • Most people can safely take low-dose creatine supplementation with minimal side effects, although individuals with kidney issues should exercise caution 3.

Remember to consult a healthcare professional before starting any new supplement regimen.