What are the flossing tips from How to Improve Oral Health & It's Critical Role in Brain & Body Health?
What are the flossing tips from How to Improve Oral Health & It's Critical Role in Brain & Body Health?
Andrew Huberman from the Huberman Lab shared several flossing best practices as part of optimal dental care:
Correct Flossing Technique: The floss should not be dropped onto the gum between teeth. Instead, glide gently down the side of the tooth, slightly under the gum, and use a circular motion before lifting up from between the teeth. This technique is particularly important if teeth are tightly spaced.
Frequency: Dentists recommend flossing at least twice a day, ideally in the morning after brushing and at night before going to bed.
Water Picks: Several dentists stated that using a water pick may be better than traditional flossing, as it is gentler and potentially just as efficient.
Children’s Flossing Needs: Young children with large spaces between their baby teeth may not need to floss in those spaces, to avoid potential gum damage.
Flossing Alternatives: Toothpicks or toothpick-based floss can be used for flossing, but most dentists discourage their patients from jabbing the gums with toothpicks.
Dr. Huberman explained that these practices could improve oral health and should be part of a daily routine. He also conveyed that dental professionals were largely in agreement on the necessity and effectiveness of flossing when done correctly 1 2 3.